From: Metcalfe & District Ringette Association []
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 5:01 PM
To: MDRA Families
Subject: MDRA 2006-07 Newsletter No. 6


January 21, 2007                                               

Dear MDRA Family:

Check the Schedule Often!
This is the time of year when missed games are made up and schedules are adjusted around tournaments -- check your team(s) schedule often to know when you are on the ice. The Team Schedules are here.

MDRA Clothing
Due to popular demand, another order for MDRA clothing is going to be placed. The items available are the same as before Christmas, and the prices have not changed even though these items typically go up a few percentage points each year. The order form is here. All orders must be in to Jo-Anne Valentine, with payment, by January 31st. Order forms can be dropped off at the Metcalfe arena on Monday, January 29th between 6:45 and 9:00 PM.  There will not be sizing samples available, so if you have questions about sizing, please contact Jo-Anne Valentine at or 826-0842. Order forms, with payment, can also be mailed to:

Jo-Anne Valentine
3363 White Spruce St.
Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0

The clothing will be available around the third week of February. Later in February MDRA summer clothing will be offered (e.g. short sleeved t-shirts and golf tees, long sleeved t-shirts, and shorts) - stay tuned for more details and samples at a later date.

MDRA Executive Opportunities

Following the close of this ringette season in April, three key positions will be vacant on the MDRA Executive -- President, Ice Scheduler and Webmaster. Getting involved with the executive is a great way to contribute to both your children's ringette experience as well as the community. If you are interested in learning more about what is involved in these positions, contact Mike Donoghue at 821-3311.


Good Luck to the MDRA teams participating in the upcoming Beaconsfield/Kirkland, Ottawa, Kingston and GCRA tournaments!

~~~~~~ GO HORNETS ~~~~~~