

(Copyright 2003 Polat Kaya)

In this essay, I will dwell on some Latin words that are formulated about the Latin word "CIDE" meaning "to kill". Words such as genocide, suicide, homicide, patrycide, etc. are of this category. An alternative word for "cide" is said to be the Latin word "trucidare" meaning "to butcher" or "to massacre". The intent of this exercise is to show that, contrary to existing beliefs, Latin and other so-called Indo-European languages are manufactured languages from Turkish by way of anagrammatizing Turkic words and expressions. Turkish was a universal language spoken over a wide geography up to and including the first millennium B.C.


1.  GENOCIDE meaning "wholesale destruction, annihilation, extermination, killing."  The Latin word GENOCIDE is a composite word which is made up from the words GENO and CIDE.  "GENO" is an anagrammatized form of the Turkic word "CANA" meaning "to life" or "CANI" meaning "the life". Similarly, the Latin word CIDI is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish word "KIyDI" ("kiymak, dogramak, kesmek fiillerinden) meaning "buthchered" or "cut into pieces".  Thus, the Turkic expression "CANA KIYDI" ("cana kiydi", "insana kiydi", "kirim etti") meaning "killed life mercilessly" or "killed people indiscriminately" has the same meaning as that of the Latin composite word  "GENOCIDE".  Hence, the so-called English word "GENOCIDE", claimed to originate from Latin, is actually and unquestionably anagrammatized from Turkish "CANA-KIYDI".

There is the Latin word "GENS" meaning "a clan, stock, people, tribe, nation".  In case of war, the warring factions (GENS) kill one another mercilessly.  At the end of the fight, generally, the losing side has been destroyed.  Such killings  is again expressed as "cana kiyma" or "kirim" in Turkish. Evidently, with the change of Turkic "C" in Turkic word "CAN" to Latin "G", Latin word GENS has been anagrammatized from Turkic expression "CANIZ" meaning "we are people", "we are living beings", "we are humans" indicating "a clan, stock, people, tribe, nation" as in Latin.  Both the Latin "gens" and the Turkic "caniz" are in plural form.  The term "GENOCIDE" is also the mass killing of a people, tribe, clan or a nation.

2.   HOLOCAUST. A synonym for the term "genocide" is HOLOCAUST meaning "wholesale destruction, annihilation, extermination". It is a compound word  anagrammatized from a Turkic expression.  When the word HOLOCAUST is segmented as "HOLO-CA-U-ST" and rearranged as "HOLO-CA-ST-U" it becomes the Turkic expression "OLO KASTU" (ulu kestu) meaning "great cutting" or "great killing".  This verifies the meaning of HOLOCAUST .  Thus both the word "holocaust" and the Turkic "olo kastu" ("ulu kestu") have the same meaning and verbal formation. This establishes the term "holocaust" as being an anagrammatized form of the Turkic expression "ULUKESTU".  In support of this analyses, let us see some other English words that are synonymous with "holocaust". For example:

ANNIHILATION [ANNIHI-L-ATI-O-N] (elimination, cancellation, abrogation, eradication) has been anagrammatized from Turkish expression of "HANINI ÖLÜ ETIN" meaning "make dead his sovereignty".

CANCELLATION [CAN-CELLATI-ON] anagrammatized from Turkish expression of "CANUN CELLATI" meaning "executioner of life".

ABROGATION [ABR-O-GA-TI-O-N] (abolition, cancellation, elimination) is anagrammatized from Turkish expression "GABART ONU" ("GEBERT ONU," öldür onu) meaning "kill him".

ERADICATION [ERA-DICATION] (extermination, elimination, obliteration) is anagrammatized from Turkish expression 'YERE DOKESIN" (yere dökesin) meaning "cut him down onto ground" referring to laying of dead bodies on the ground after a massacre.

3.  SUICIDE:  (act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally.  From Latin "sui" of "oneself" + "cide (kill)")  [1]. When we analyse the word we see that this etymology is very much Turkish: the Latin word "SUI" is anagrammatized from Turkish "USI/UZI/ÖZI/ÖZÜ" meaning "the self" and/or "ÜSE/ÜZE/ÖZE" meaning "to self"; and  CIDI from Turkish "KIyDI" meaning "killed". Thus, the so-called Latin word "suicide" is actually an anagrammatized form of the Turkish phrase "UZE KIyDI" ("öze kiydi", "kendi canina kiydi", "kendini öldürdü") meaning "killed himself". In this anagrammatizing process, the Turkish phrase "ÖZE KIYDI" has gone through the intentional change of "ÜZE-KIYDI" > "USI KIYDI" > "SUI-CIDE", with k/c letter translation and k/s sound translation.

4.  HOMICIDE  (Latin "homicida" murderer) is defined as "the killing of one human being by another" and is said to have the etymology of Latin word "homocidium" from "HOMO" (man) + "caedere" (to cut)  [2].  We are also told that the word "homo"  [3]  means "man, a human being" the plural of which is given as "HOMINIS" meaning "men, people of the world"  [4].

With this definition, the word HOMINIS is related to the Azerbaijan Turkish expression "HAMINIZ" (hepiniz) meaning "all of you", that is, "everybody". Thus, the word "HOMINIS" appears to be the Turkic expression "HAMINIZ" anagrammatized into Latin and other Latin based languages.  While Latin "hominis" is the plural of "homo", similarly, the Turkic expression "HAMINIZ" is also the second person plural form for "HAMI" as in Turkic "hepiniz", "taminiz", "tümünüz" meaning "all of you".

Similarly, there is the Turkic expression "HAMIMIZ" ("hepimiz", "tamimiz", "tümümüz") meaning "all of us", that is, "everybody".  This again describes all of the human beings, i.e., "men".  The English term "man" is  from Turkish "MAN/MEN" meaning "myself" who is a "man", that is, "ADAM" in Turkish).

Additionally, there is the so-called Arabic word "HAMI" that has been used in Turkish for a long time having the meaning of "protector, defender, patron"  [5]. Thus the word corresponds to Turkic "AHAM" (Agam) meaning "my lord". Similarly, the Turkic expression "AHAM O" meaning "he is my lord" implying "Sky-God" in one hand, and "man" (adam) in the other. The Turkic expression "AHAM O" would readily lead to Latin word "HOMO". With this background information, we find that the Latin word "HOMO" or "HOMI" is also from Turkic source.

We have already shown that the Latin word "CIDE", with K/C transformation, is from Turkic expression "KIyDI" meaning "killed".  Hence, the compound word  HOMICIDE is an anagrammatized form of the Turkic expression "ADAMI KIYDI" meaning "killed the man" or from Eastern Anatolian Turkish expression "HAMI KIYDI" / "aHAMI KIYDI" meaning "killed the man".

5.  BUTCHER. The term "to butcher" is given in Latin as CAEDO, CAEDERE, CECIDI, and CAESUM meaning 1) to cut; 2) to beat, knock about; and c) to kill, slay.

With the first letter "C" being a "K" in these words, it becomes clear that these terms are also anagrammatized from Turkish phrases, as follows:

5.a)  CAEDO from Turkic "KIYIDI O" meaning "it is killing" or "it is cutting" from Turkic verb "kiymak";

5.b)  CAEDERE from Turkic "KIYEDER" (kiyim eder, kiyma eder, keser)  meaning "he cuts", "he kills", "he chops;

5.c)  CECIDI from Turkic "KIYICIDI" meaning "he is a killer", "he is a cutter"; and

5.d)  CAESUM from Turkic "KESEYUM" (keseyim) meaning "let me cut it".

All of these are the attributes of the profession of a butcher. These correspondences in Latin and Turkish cannot be explained by pure chance, but rather by seeing the fact that the Latin language was an anagrammatized language from ancient Turkish.

6. HOMOCIDIUM (HOMO + CIDIUM) is anagrammatized from Turkic "aHAMA KIYDUM" meaning "I killed my lord/patron" or "ADAMA KIYDUM" meaning "I killed man".

7.   PATRICIDE (killing father) is the anagrammatized form of Türkish expression "aPATIR KIyDI" (kiydigi apatir, kiydigi atatir, öldürdügü babadir) meaning "It is father that he killed". Thus it is anagrammatized from Turkish phrase "APATIR KIYDI".

Here it is important to note that the so-called Indo-European word "PATRY/PATRI" meaning "father" is actually the anagrammatized form of Turkish phrase "APATUR" meaning "it is father".  Y=U=V.  Thus the claim that Indo-European Language words for "father" are related to each other but yet are not related to Turkish ATA or BABA or APA is not a truthful claim. It is obvious that they have done all kinds of deceitful anagrammatizing on Turkish words and phrases to come up with words for themselves.  For example, the word "FATHER" or "PATER" (peder) is simply an anagrammatized form of Turkish "APA-TIR" meaning "He is father".  The anagrammatization is as follows: Turkish "APA" meaning "Father" becomes "FA" and/or "PA"; the Turkish suffix "TIR" (also TUR) meaning "it is" or "he is" becomes "THER"  as in "FATHER" and/or "DER" as in "PADER/PEDER" or "DRE" as in "PADRE".  This clearly shows that we are face to face with a linguistic deceit.

8.   PESTICIDE (insecticide, biocide) from Turkish "PISTI KIYDI" meaning "it killed what was dirty" referring to the house bugs.  Pesticides are the chemicals used to kill "bug-pests" referring to harmful, parasitic insects which are described in Turkish as "PIS" meaning "dirty".  The Turkic term "PISTI" means "it is dirty", "it is foul", "it is obscene".  Even the English word OBSCENE itself is anagrammatized from two similar Turkish phrases: a) "O PIS KENE" meaning "it is dirty/filty tick" referring to the parasite "tick";  b) "O PIS ÇENE" meaning "it is foul speech" where "çene" is the "jaw" (mouth) that makes the speech.  The last meaning refers to obscene talk.

9.  MATRICIDE (killing mother) has been anagrammatized from Türkish phrase "aMATIR KIyDI" (kiydigi amadir/anadir, amaya/anaya kiydi) meaning "it is mother that he killed".

Here, it is also important to note that the term "MOTHER" in English is actually the anagrammatized form of Turkish phrase "AMATIR" (ANATIR) meaning "it is mother".  This is very similar to the anagram formation of "FATHER".   Italian and Spanish "MADRE", German "MUTTER", and Swedish "MODER" or "MÖDRAR" and Yiddish "MUTER" are different examples of anagrammatized forms of Turkish "AMADIR" or "ANADIR".

10.  The word ETHNOCIDE is anagrammatized from Turkish phrase "ETUNA-KIYDI"("ADUNA KIYDI"), adini tarihten sildi, adini yok etti, milli adini sildi) meaning "killed his name" or "erased someone's ethnic name from history". With respect to this name, we should look at the term "ethno". Following additional explanation will give further meaning to this terminology.

10.a)  The term ETHNIC or ETHNICAL is defined as  [6]: "[Latin "ethnicus" and Greek "ethnikos" from "ethnos" meaning "nation", (ecclesiastically "TA ETHNE" meaning "the nations, heathens, gentiles)].  1. Neither Jewish nor Christian; pagan. 2. Of or pertaining to, or designating races or groups of races discriminated on the basis of common traits, customs, etc.; ethnological ; as the ethnic divisions of mankind."

The term "TA ETHNE" seems to have been anagrammatized from Turkic "aTA ETHEN" ("ATA ADIN") which would have two meanings: a)  "Your father's name" (person's father name); b) "Your Sky-God (ATA) Tribal Name".  This second one was the name that each group would take as a tribal (nation) name after an attribute of the Sky-God in accordance with the ancient Turanian Turkic traditions. The so-called ethnic name of a group would come from the name of their  ancestors who would have taken a Sky-God name for themselves.  For example, the names TUR and TURK are the Sky-God "OGUS HAN" name of Turkic peoples.  Therefore, they are Turkic people's "ATA ETHEN" (ATA ADIN) which come from the ancient Turkic names of ATA for the Sky-Father-God and UTU for the Sun-God (OGUS HAN) both of which are the creator gods.  UTU is also one of the forms of the Turkish expressions "UT U",  "OT O", "OD O" all meaning "It is fire" referring to the "SUN". UTU was also the Sun-God of Sumerians.  It is revealing to note that when the name "Ogus Han" is rearranged, we get the Turkish expression "GUNASH O" (Günesh o) meaning "IT IS SUN".  This again verifies that the name OGUZ represented the Sun-God.

In view of this definition, the Greek term "ETHNIKOS" (and also the Latin "ethnicus") could have been angrammatized from Turkic expressions:

a)  "ETHIN KOS" (ADIN GOZ (GÖZ ADIN)) meaning "Your EYE (GOZ, GÜNES) name" referring to the "Sun" name of the ethnic group.  SUN was regarded as the EYE (GOZ) of the Sky-God.  It should be noted that the English name "EYE" which is voiced as Turkic "AY" in fact comes from the Turkic name AY meaning "Moon" which was regarded as the "blind eye" of the Sky-God in ancient times.

b)  "ETHIN oKOS" (ADIN OGOZ ("OGUS ADIN")) meaning "Your Oguz name".

b) "ETi KIN OHuS" (ADI GÜN OGUZ) meaning "His Sun Oguz Name".

c)  "ETI-HaN oKOS" (ADI HAN OGUZ) meaning "His Lord Oguz name"

In these etymological definitions it becomes clear that the non-Jewish, non-Christian people who are referred to as "pagan", "heathen" and  "Gentile" peoples stated in the definition given above for Greek "ETHNIKOS" are no one but the OGUZ (SUN) worshipping Tur/Turk peoples as suggested by these Latin and Greek names.

It seems that in accordance with the ancient tradition of OGUZ peoples, each tribe would take a "SKY-GOD OGUZ" name to identify themselves from one another.  It appears that in the universal Turkic Sky-God religion of ancient times all peoples took an OGUZ (Sun) name for themselves. This is obvious still in the names of nations.

Evidently, this definition of the terms "ethnic" or "ethnical" as given above is the basis of Judeo-Christian "racism".  It is peculiar that the mentality that made this definition recognizes only three groups of people: they are "Jewish", "Christian" and the rest of the world, i.e., "pagan" or whatever. This artificial definition and its unending use as propaganda material assumes these two groups as the specially chosen groups of the "god" above others. No wonder they keep referring to themselves as the "civilized" and/or the "chosen people".  Such a selfserving and religiously oriented definition is an indication of the discriminating mind of the definer.

Thus the term ETHNO  supposedly from Greek "ethnos" meaning "nation" is actually the anagrammatized form of Turkic "ETUN O" (ADUN o, ADIN O) meaning "it is your (national) name".  Evidently, there has been a shift in the meaning of the expression.

In view of this background information, the term ETHNOCIDE would be the anagrammatized form of the Turkic expression "ETHENE KIYDI" (ADINA KIYDI) meaning "the nation name or the ethnic name of a nation was assassinated or erased".  Evidently, those whose ethnic name was killed were the ancient Oguz people, that is, the TUR people of ancient Europe and also other geography.  It is curious that very rarely if ever, the name TUR or TURK ever mentioned with regards to the ancient world.

11.  TYRANNICIDE:  [from Latin "tyrannicidium" meaning "the killing of a tyrant)";  "tyrannicida" meaning "killer of a tyrant", from French "tyrannus" meaning "tyrant" plus "caedere" meaning "to kill"] 1. Act of killing a tyrant; also, one who kills a tyrant, (Webster's collegiate dictionary, 1947, p. 1084) and  [7].

This definition is not very believable. How many tyrant kings were actually assasinated in history that there was a need to come up with this term?  Although an occasional "despot king" may have been killed, the true intention of the phrase appears to point to "killing a TURANIAN" (Turanni/Turanli) - that is, the native people of Europe.

The historical texts indicate that Romans and the Christians (early and medieval) were quite busy killing many people under the pretext that they were pagans, heathens, witches, etc..  In actuality, they were the so-called "pagan" Turanians (Tyranni) of Europe and the Middle East.  The priests of the new religions Judaism and Christianity, being in competition with the ancient Turanic religion, so-called "paganism", felt to bulldoze any obstacle that would stand on its way in spreading. In essence the reasons for the killings by both the Judeo-Christianity were political and economic in nature aiming to control and exploite the masses of the ancient world that believed in a one SUN worshipping religion.  Its truthfullness could not be denied by any one.  Yet the new Judeo-Christian religion had to be installed everywhere in Europe and the Middle East replacing the old Turkish religion. This disrupted the very old world order in which most peoples of the world had the same sun and moon based religion. The new religions polarized the peoples of the world into groups and made them to fight against one another, thus creating a superficial animosity among them.  This unfortunately set off the continuous fighting among peoples of the world to this day.

Since the so-called Pagans (Turanian Sun and Sky God worshippers) were against the spreading of the new religions, therefore, they were to be eliminated.  And eliminated they became.  Hence, the Latin term TYRANNICIDA meaning "to kill a Turanni" rather than "to kill a tyrant", must have been coined.  Thus the term TYRANNICIDA is anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression of "TURANNIA-KIyDI" ("Turanliya kiydi, Turanliyi öldürdü") meaning "They killed Turanians".

12.  TRUCIDARE is a Latin word meaning "to butcher, to massacre". It is a word anagrammatized from a Turkic source.  The meaning of TRUCIDARE becomes much more evident when we segment the word as "TRU-CIDA-RE" and analyse the segments.  In this, TRU is surely either from Turkic TUR meaning "Tur" people or "TuRU" which is the accusative form of "TUR" meaning "the TUR".

The segment "CIDA" which also appears as Latin "CIDE" such as in the word "GENO-CIDE" is the key word defining the meaning of the word. One should also remember that the Latin letter "C" in segment "CIDA" is actually the letter "K", although in this case, it is deceptively vocalized as "S".  In other words, if "CIDA" was vocalized as "KIYDI" rather than "SAYD", it would become evident that it is the Turkic word "KIYDI" meaning:

a) "to cut meat into pieces" as in "mincemeat, groundmeat" produced by butchers;
b) to kill en masse - as in war";
c) "to kill someone as in a fight;
d) "to kill a living being".

Thus, it is clear that this part of the word, i.e., CIDA/CIDE is from Turkic "KIYDI", which gives the "killing/butchering" aspect to the word TRUCIDARE.

The segment "RE" is either Turkic "ER" meaning "man" or "eRE/eRI" meaning "the man".

Thus, when read altogether as one word, TRUCIDARE ("TRU-CIDA-RE"), it becomes the Turkic phrase "TUR-ARE-KIyDI" (Tur ere kiydi, Tur eri öldürdü, Tur eri kesti) meaning "killed (murdered, butchered) the Tur man".  This Latin word is one of many latin words that has preserved the name "TUR" and also is an indication of what happened to the TUR in ancient times.  It suggests that the native Tur peoples of ancient Europe were subjected to "genocide" during the formation years of Christianity in the Roman and Bysanthium empires well into the modern era.


1.  From all of this given above, it becomes clear that the Latin words defined above are indeed anagrammatized from Turkish expressions.  This kind of meaning and morphology cannot be due to conicidences.  It can only be explained by accepting the fact that Turkish was a universal ancient language accompanying the ancient and universal TURKIC OGUZ religion.

2.  Throughout my writings I have indicated that the so-called Indo-European languages are not so very ancient languages as have been claimed by linguists.  On the contrary, they are languages that have been manufactured from Turkish which was a fully developed universal language at least since the formation years (since 3000 B.C.) of the ancient Masar/Misir state intentionally mislabelled as "Egypt.  Referring to ancient TUR/TURK state of MISIR/MASAR as "EGYPT" and continuously portraying that ancient civilization as "EGYPTIANS" is not only a blatant deception, because they were not Gypsies but rather TUR/TURK peoples, but it is also an ethnocide of the ethnicity of the ancient Turkic MASAR/MISIR people.

3.  In the spread of any religion, one needs a language peculiar to that religion.  For example, with Judaism, there is the Jewish language that spreads with it.  With Christianity there was the Greek, Latin and nowadays the English language.  With the Islam religion, it was Arabic.  However, these are all  relatively very recent developments in human history.  Yet all of these religions were preceded with the ancient TUR OGUZ (SUN) religion of the ancient Tur/Turk peoples of Turan. This very ancient Turkic OGUZ religion, intentionally called "paganism" by its adversaries, had a trinity concept consisting of Gök-ATA-Tengri (Sky-Father-God), Gün-Tengri (Sun-God), AY-Tengri (Moon-God). It was the universal religion of the ancient TUR/TURK peoples  and  Turkish was the language with which this ancient religion spread throughout the world.

4.  It was the universality of this ancient Turkic OGUZ religion that ancient Middle Eastern conspiring cabalistic priests could not tolerate.  With extreme deceptions they were able to dethrone the Sky-Father-God Tengri and the Sun-God Oguz from Godship and instituted the "Moon (Ay) and Wind (El/Yel)" based religions in its place.  With the introduction of these new religions, not only were the very ancient Sky-God religion, which was also practiced in ancient Masar/Misir, and its very advanced civilization wiped out from history, but also countless numbers of native Tur peoples of Europe were subjected to genocide and assimilation during the dark ages of Europe under the guise of "devil worship".  These Latin words that we have analised in this paper seem to be expressions from that era.

5.  I have provided a small subset of Latin words in this paper for the purpose of demonstration.  There are many more.  I have shown that these Latin words were actually anagrammatized from Turkish words and/or phrases.  The anagrammatizations done by the religious linguists were indeed extremely clever and professional. These religious priests in doing what they did, they not only killed the ancient Turanian Sun-God religion, but also performed ethnocide on the ancient Tur world.  New religions took most of their tenets and laws from the much older Turkic Sun-based religion and they were altered, embellished, restructured and then presented as part of the new religions. They also manufactured languages by using their intimate knowledge of the ancient Turkish language and clever anagrammatization.

 Their driving force was the religious order placed into their "holy" book, i.e., "Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another's language" (GENESIS 11:7). "Confuse" they did by generating the "Latin and Greek" languages on which later the other so-called "Indo-European" languages were based. The Semitic languages were also made up in the same way.  Concepts were first defined in Turkish spoken at the time, and then the resulting expressions were anagrammatized to come up with words for new languages. This way they were able to generate long and complex looking words for all kinds of concepts.  This is probably one of the most well worked out usurpation by deceit of an ancient culture and language in human history.


1. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1947, p. 996.
2. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1947, p. 476.
3. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1947, p. 476.
4. Cassell's Latin English Dictionary, p. 105.
5. Turkish- English Redhouse Dictionary, p. 443.
6. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1947, p. 343.
7. Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language dictionary, 1964, p. 1360. see under "tyrannicide". Also the word "tyranny" is defined as "1. Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administered ; despotism. 2. An arbitrarily cruel excercise of power; a tyrannical act. 3. In Greek history, the office or the administration of a tyrant. 4. Severity; roughness. [ from OF. "tirannie' from Latin "tyrannia" from "tyrannus" meaning a "tyrant".]

Polat Kaya

Installed first on 17/02/2003