("Oguz" - The Ancient Turanian Sky-God)



(Copyright (c) 1999 Polat Kaya)


The essay entitled ANCIENT TURANIANS PART-1, provided strong evidences that the ancient world was a Turkic speaking world. It also introduced the revelation that Turkic/Turkish words and phrases were anagrammatized to manufacture new languages in which words would appear to be unrelated to their Turkic source.  In this technique, the Turkish language was used as a data base for the manufacturing of other languages using a cut, alter and paste operation called ANAGRAMMATIZING. Religious groups in organized institutions, under religious guidance (e.g., Genesis 11:1-10), were the main perpetrators of this activity. Their objective must have been to divide and conquer the Turkic world by confusing the Turkic language that was being spoken worldwide while generating new languages for themselves.  In this process, the identity of the ancient Turkish cultural characters were also changed for future usurpation. In other words, the ground was prepared to rename, restructure, reallocate and obliterate the ancient Turanian civilization that was developed over thousands of years by the ancient Tur/Turk peoples.

This essay presents the ancient Turanian religion, restructured from Turkish culture and the bits and pieces of a mixed-up puzzle whose pieces are strewn all over, in and under, mountains of literature.  Because there is so much to discuss, I have to introduce a variety of insights and connect them together in order to give the full picture.  In Part 1, I discussed the Ki-En-Gir (Sumerians) being a Turkic speaking Turanian Tur/Turk people whose fantastic history dates back to at least 6,000 years ago.  I also discussed some of the intentional confusion introduced into their cultural characters such as the original Bilgamesh being presented to the world as Gilgamesh.  At the end of Part 1, I introduced the name Oguz Khan as the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God (Gök Tanri).  In Part 2, I will discuss this in further detail. I humbly urge the reader to be careful and inquiring when reading this essay as it contains a wealth of new insights into the realm of the ancient Turanian religion which has been wrongly presented to the world as "shamanism".

Before going into the subject matter, I want to mention that ancient Turanians composed their epic stories (destan/dastan) with riddles using puns, metaphors and similes, similar to satirical writings where one thing is said but another thing is meant (play on words).  Real and imaginery concepts were personified in these stories.  For example, a group of clouds could be personified as a flock of sheep in a story.  Likewise, the howling wind could be presented as a person with many roles attributed to him/her.  Hence while one story was evident on the surface, hidden motives were being intervowen into the main story.  It was up to the reader/listener to grasp the identity of the characters hidden in the character names and their behaviour in the story.  This was possible because in Turkish, each word could have several meanings depending on how the etymology of the word was viewed.

Such riddled stories were also adopted by other Turkic speaking but non-Turanian groups. I have discovered this to be the case in many ancient Greek writings and so-called "Greek" mythological stories.  Therefore, in order to identify the true identities of what is being talked about in such writings, one has to know Turkish and also the ancient cultural traits of Turs/Turks which was well preserved among the Turks living particularly in the villages.  For example, the character names in ancient Greek stories written by classical writers are not well understood because people think that they are just plain Greek names, yet the fact is that they are anagrammatized Turkish phrases used as character names for personified real and/or abstract concepts.   Once the character name is clearly understood, then the story can be followed with much more clarity.   Of course, implied in this statement is also the fact that the ancient Greeks were not only engulfed  in the ancient Turkish culture, but also that they took most of their culture from the ancient Turs/Turks.  This will be shown to be the case with confidence.

In Part 1 of the series of essays called "ANCIENT TURANIANS", I pointed out that Turanians were much earlier peoples in Asia and Europe - long before the so-called Aryans.  These ancient Turanians, being the first ones in Asia and Europe and Northern Africa (and even further), were the first ones to have created a religion based on a trinity Sky-God concept - all embodied in ONE (BIR). This religion was a "world" religion spread by the ancient Turs/Turks wherever they went. All other later religions took their tenets from this ancient Turanian religion.  It was a most natural, just and open  religion, with no secrecy about the identity of its deities.  It advocated justice, good morality, candidness, fairness, progress and enlightenment to its followers.  It also promoted living in harmony with nature by regarding its elements as sacred.


At this point, I want to share with you an old prayer of Uigur Turks given below (translation into English from the Turkish text is mine).  It praises the ancient Turkish trinity Sky-God "Gök-Tengri".  The original of the prayer is given by the famed Turkologist Reshid Rahmeti Arat.[1]


The SKY-GOD came,
Sky-God himself came;
The Sky-God came,
Sky-God himself came.

Rise up, all noble lords, brothers,
Let us praise the Sky-God!

SUN-GOD who sees all,
You protect us!
MOON-GOD who is seen,
You save us!

With beautiful fragrance, with sweet scent,
With glitter, with twinkle
The Sky-God! 5
Sky-God! 5

With beautiful fragrance, with sweet scent,
With glitter, with twinkle
The Sky-God!

where: the Sky-God is "Tan Tanri" in Turkish, the Sun-God is "Kün Tanri" in Turkish and the Moon-God is "Ay Tanri" in Turkish.

The following is the original Uigur version of this prayer on the left with a translation into more modern Turkish on the right:

1   Tang tengri kelti                                 1      Tan tanri geldi,
     Tang tengri özi kelti                                    Tan tanri kendisi geldi;
     Tang tengri kelti                                         Tan tanri geldi,
     Tang tengri özi kelti                                    Tan tanri kendisi geldi;

5   Turunglar kamag begler kadaslar       5     KalkInIz, bütün beyler, kardesler,
     Tang tengrig ögelim                                    Tan tanriyi övelim

     Körügme kün tengri                                     Gören Günes Tanri,
     Siz bizni küzeding                                        Siz bizi koruyun!
     Körünügme ay tengri                                   Görünen Ay tanri,
10 siz bizni kurtgaring                              10    Siz bizi kurtarin

     Tang tengri                                                  Tan tanri,
     YIdlIg yIparlIg                                            Güzel kokulu, misk kokulu,
     Yaruglug yashuklug                                     Pariltili, Ishiltili
     Tang tengri  5                                              Tan tanri 5
15 Tang tengri  5                                      15    Tan tanri 5

     Tang tengri                                                  Tan tanri,
     YIdlIg yIparlIg                                            Güzel kokulu, misk kokulu,
     Yaruglug yashuklug                                     Pariltili, Ishiltili
     Tang tengri                                                  Tan tanri
     Tang tengri                                                  Tan tanri
20 Tang tengri                                           20   Tan tanri

Thus, this prayer of ancient Uigur Turks identifies for us the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God concept by identifying TAN-TANRI (ATA-AN-TANRI) (Sky-Father-God), KÜN/GÜN-TANRI (Sun-God) and AY-TANRI (Moon-God).

The Turkish Sky-God is also known by the name GOK-TANRI / GÖK-TENGRI. Presently, the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God concept and the Sun-God (Gün-Tanri) concept appears to have been obliterated from the memories of Turanians by superimposing other recent religions on them.  Particularly the name OGUS / OGUZ as the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God has been totally wiped out, and it is only recalled as one of the ancestors of the Turks.  In this essay we will discuss the name OGUZ as the name of the most ancient Turanian Sky-God.


The ancient Turanians believed there was a sky Father (ATA) who was the creator god of all the universe and everything in it including the Sun and the Moon. The second in line to the Sky-Father was the Sun (KÜN / GÜN) which was the life giving deity to the earth.  Thirdly, there was the Moon (AY) which changed its appearance as if by magic - like a Turkic shaman (KAM).  These three, that is, the Father, the Sun and the Moon constituted a trinity Sky-God religion for the ancient Turanians.  They called these three deities Tan-Tanri, Gün-Tanri and Ay-Tanri respectively as indicated in the above Uigur prayer.  By another name Tan-Tanri was "aTa-AN-TANRI" meaning "Father-Sky-God" or "GÖK-TANRI" meaning "Sky-God".

In the ancient Turanian religion, the SUN and MOON, being the most conspicuous celestial entities in the sky, were regarded as the EYES of an omnipotent and omnipresent Sky-Father-God (ATA-AN-TANRI or GÖK-TANRI) who had created the universe.  For creating everything, he was "ATA" (FATHER), and hence, his name ATA was representable with the letter T only. The letter T, having an upright body of "I" (Turkic numeral one [Bir]) and two extended "arms" not only represents a man but also represents the concept of "TRINITY".  In ancient Turkic writings this letter was in the form of a Trident i.e., one (Bir) body with two raised arms - like a person praying to God (ATA).  This very same letter T is also known by the name "TAU" anagrammatized from Turkish "aTA-U" meaning "HE IS FATHER" referring to the CREATOR GOD.   The letter T is also the cross symbol in Christendom.  The two arms of the letter T represent the SUN (anagrammatized from Turkic "aS-AN" (BIR-GÖK / ESSIZ-GÖK) meaning "One-Sky" or "Peerless Sky") and the MOON (also anagrammatized from Turkic MA-AN meaning "Magnificent Sky" and also "Moon-of Sky").

It should also be mentioned that the Turkic word MAN / MEN not only represents the ATA (man in the sky) but is also the personal pronoun for the first person singular in Turkish (MAN / MEN / BEN) indicating that this personal pronoun and also the others in Turkish are named after the Sky-God.  Similarly, Turkic numeral names are named after the Sky-God.  This also applies to the numeral names in other languages.

In ancient Sumerian (KIENGIR) cuneiform (CUNEUS in Latin from Turkish KÜN-OUS / OGUS) writing system, the name of the Creator Sky-God ANU was also represented with an upright I (Bir) with two horizontal arms as if the arms are brought together.  So we see that in the ancient Tur/Turk Sumerian writing system, the SKY-GOD is a "trinity" god concept.  In the Sumerian writing system, the concept of GOD known by the Sumerian term DINGIR (Turkish TENGIR / TENGRI / TENGERE / TANGARA / TANRI) was represented with a STAR symbol.  That star was an eight rayed sun symbol - like a plus sign turned 45 degrees and superimposed on another plus sign.

This SUN symbol together with the "CRESCENT MOON" is found on many ancient Turanian peoples' artifacts [2] such as those of Sumerian, Kan-Hans / Kun-Hans (Canaan / Phoenician), Masar (or MAGAN / MAGUN in Sumerian for so-called "Egypt") and many more.  The Ottomans used the same symbol of Sun and the Crescent Moon in their national flag.  Similarly the Azerbaijan flag carries the same sun symbol and the Crescent Moon.  Of course all of the other Turkic / Turkish peoples have a SUN in some form in their national emblems.  Evidently, the choice of Sun and Crescent Moon as a national symbol is not a random choice, but rather a choice because of their "sun and moon" worshipping ancestral culture.  Turkic rugs are filled with this emblem of the ancient Sky-God.  Similarly, other people who believed in the ancient Turanian Trinity Sky-God also have one or more of these symbols on their national flags indicating that this Tur/Turk religion was a world religion.


The Turkish word TUR is embedded not only in the names TUR, TURK and TURAN but also in endless other Turkish phrases (e.g., kitap'TUR, okul'TUR, ata'TUR, atam'TUR, adam'TUR, etc.) in the form of a Turkish language suffix. For example, the Turkish phrase AS-TUR (Bir/Essiz-TUR) describes the PEERLESS'ness and ONE'ness of TUR - a quality appropriate only to God.  Thus the meaning of the Turkish word TUR is associated with the ancient Turanian SKY-GOD "aTa-U-eR" (Gök-Tengri / Tanri) meaning "Father is That Man" or "That Man is Father".

In support of this revelation, we should note a small paragraph in Encyclopaedia Britannica under the entry of TYR which is of course nothing but the Turkish/Turkic TUR only anagrammatized with the letter Y = U, thus TUR is disguised as TYR.[3]


This entry from the Encyclopaedia Britannica verifies clearly that the name TYR and the Turkish word TUR are one and the same and is the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God. Secondly, all of ancient Europe including Scandinavia and the so-called British Islands and Iceland were all inhabited by the ancient Turanians, and that is why the name TUR / TYR exists in their ancient legends in those lands.

Additionally, this is why the so-called SCOTS were the SAKA TURs/TURKs extending all the way to Iceland and other north Atlantic islands.  Evidently these ancient TURS of Europe not only had the same Sky-God Sun-worshipping religion, but also spoke Turkish. In fact the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion, so-called "paganism", "satanism", "shamanism", etc., was practiced all over the world including the ancient Middle East and Europe contrary to denials. Now let us examine the etymologies of some of these names.

The statement "ALTHOUGH THIS CULT WAS NOT WIDESPREAD IN SCANDINAVIA ITSELF" is not truthfull.  The very fact that there are many Runes-written stones found all over Scandinavia is the living proof that the ancient peoples of SCANDIA were the ancient TYR / TUR believing Turkic peoples.  The name SCANDIA is from the Turkic expression SAKA-HAN'DI-ÖY meaning "It was the house of SAKA-HAN" peoples.  Of course the name SAKA-HAN  is another name for the ancient Turanian Sky-God as there were many names to describe the ancient Turkic / Turkish Sky-God.

The Icelandic legend: "ICELANDIC MYTHOLOGY HAS INTERESTING STORIES OF TYR.  ACCORDING TO ONE OF THEM, HE PLACED HIS HAND AS A PLEDGE BETWEEN THE JAWS OF THE MONSTROUS WOLF FENRIR WHILE THE GODS BOUND HIM, AND THE WOLF BIT IT OFF" is another Turanian "WOLF" motive associated with the name of Turkic Gök-Tanri, that is, the Gök-BÖRI meaning "Blue wolf".  As I pointed out in PART-1 of this writing, Turkic BÖRI is another animal logo for the ancient Turanian Sky-God, but its other Turkish name KURT is TURK / TURUK in reverse.  Thus WOLF is a very important name in the ancient legends of Turanian TURS / TURKS. The Turkic Sky-God was also the GÖK-BÖRI meaning "the blue wolf".   Thus, the Icelandic WOLF FENRIR and the Turkic GÖK-BÖRI are related concepts.


The Roman name MARS is anagrammatized from Turkic MA-AR / ER(RA)-AS meaning: a) "One / Peerless Magnificent Man" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God;  b)  "One/Peerless Magnificent AR / RA" referring to the ancient Turanian Sun-God; c) "One / Peerless MA / MAH (Moon) Man" referring to ancient Turanian Moon-God.   Thus the name MARS in appearance may be regarded as so-called "Latin" but in essence is an acronym of a  Turkic expression describing the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God.

The Sanskrit word DEVAH and the Latin DEUS (GOD) are again Turkic names for the ancient Turanian Sky-God.

a) DEVAH < "DEV-AH" < Turkish "DEV-AHA / AGA" meaning "Giant Lord" and/or  "Monstrous Lord".  Of course the Sun is a "giant" in the sky.

b) DEVAH < "D-EV-AH" < Tr. "oD-EV-AHa" meaning "House of Fire Lord" referring to Sun (Sun-God);

c) DEVAH < "D-EV-AH" < Tr. "aDa / aTa-EV-AHa" meaning "Father Lord of the House" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God Lord.

Additionally, the word MONSTROUS < "MONS-TR-OUS" < Tr. "MANaS-TuR-OUS" (Manas Tur Ogus) is an anagrammatized pure Turkic expression describing the Ancient Turanian Sky-God.  Note that MANAS, TUR and OUS / OGUS are all Turkic/Turkish.  The KYRGYS Turks' MANAS epic is a living example of its Turkicness.   Note however that although MONSTROUS is annagramatized from the magnificent Turkic Sky-God concept, it now has a totally negative put-down meaning - rejecting the original concept.  The same applies to the word MONSTER which is from Turkish MANAS-TUR.

Thus it is clear that what is being called as the Sanskrit word for GOD is actually an anagrammatized Turkic phrases describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God.

And finally, the Latin DEUS (GOD) is a word annagramatized from Turkic "aDa-EUS" or "aTa-EUS" meaning "Father EUS / OUS / OGUS" or from "OD-EUS" meaning "Fire EUS / OUS / OGUS" referring to the Sun-God.  Thus the so-called Latin name DEUS, meaning GOD, comes from a Turkish expression describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God OGUZ-ATA.   As a consequence of this, the name "TUESDAY" (OLD ENGLISH TIWESDAEG, OLD NORSE TYSDAGR) is named after the ancient Turanian Trinity Sky-God: "ATA-EUS, OD, AY" meaning "Father-Ogus, Sun and Moon":  "TUESDAY" < "T-UES-D-AY" < Tr. "aTa-UES-oD-AY" (Ata-Ous / Ogus, Od, Ay).



This definistion of THOR is nothing but the definition of SUN (SUN-GOD TUR/TYR), red-bearded and red-haired with its fierce redish sunrays.  He is THUNDER < Tr. "aTa-HUN-DER" (Ata Han'der) meaning "He is Lord Father of Sky" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God in Turkish.  Of course, Sky-God is also the creator of "thunder" during the storms.  So there is a pun game played hiding the Turkic identity of the ancient Turanian Sky-God TUR.

Actually, the name THOR is most likely anagrammatized from Turkic TORH/TORK/TURK ("TUR-aHa" / "TUR-aKa") or TORAH/TOROK/TURUK meaning "Lord TUR" and also the name of the TURK people.


After identifying the ancient Turanian trinity sky-god concept in this manner, we need to dwell on the identity of ATA-TANRI (FATHER-GOD), KÜN-TANRI (SUN-GOD) and AY-TANRI (MOON-GOD) independently.

In traditional Turkish religious culture, the SKY-FATHER has many names (i.e., one God but many names) and many attributes. He is ONE (BIR/AS), peerless (AS/AZ), all knowing wise (US), all true and truthfull (OS/ÖZ), fearless (efe), omnipotent, omnipresent, allmighty, unlimited, capable of making anything and everything, creator of all things known and unknown to man, sees everything at any time and everywhere, is the only one who knows the past, present and future, has been the sovereign  since the beginning of time and will be so forever, was not born (olmadi), did not die nor will die (ölmedi), is the most just, most forgiving but not forgetting, is the most straight, never falls and is always upright, is steady and everlasting, enlightens the path and the mind of humans, is the inspiration to mankind, is the giver of life and the taker of life, is the fate (kader/aka-der), what comes from him goes back to him, what He wishes takes place, is the universe (U-BIR-AS-EVREN), is in the atom (ATAM), is the time (AN) and is the space (MAKAN), is Sun (KÜN/GÜN), Moon (AY), Stars (Ilduz), Earth (YER), mountains (TAG/DAG), seas (Su/Deniz/Acun-su), the sky (AN/Gök), and many more.

All of these attributes of the ancient Turanian Sky-Father (God) are due to the religious creation and experience of the ancient Tur/Turk peoples over thousands of years far before any other religion was present.  Modern religions got all their tenets from this ancient Turanian Sky-God concept of Tur/Turk peoples.   Because of these highly advanced concepts of religion and their application to social life, the ancient Turs/Turks were the subject of envy by many groups, and because of that, the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion was killed by conspiracy.

In the ancient Turkic language, the Sky-Father-God (ATA-AN-TANRI / GÖK-TANRI) has many names such as:

a) ATA-TANRI or just ATA where ATA (Father) is the creator God of the universe; therefore, HE is the Father to all things.  But He is also the SUN (KÜN/GÜN) which is the creator of our solar system and the earth on which all the living beings have been created.  OTO/UTU is the name of the Sun-God in the language of TUR Sumerians.   It must be noted that ATA, OTO, UTU, OT-O, OD-O, are all Turkic words all of which refer to "The Father God" and "The Fire God (Sun)".

b) TUR < > Tr. "aTa-U-eR"  meaning "He is Father Man". While TUR is the name of the Sky Father God, it is also the name of TUR/TURK (OGUZ) peoples who believed in and worshipped TUR. The word ATA (FATHER) embedded in the word TUR refers to God and therefore is exalting.

c) TURK  < > Tr. "TUR-aKa"  meaning "TUR Lord" or "Lord TUR".

d) TURK/TORK < > Tr. "TURa-aKa" / "TÖRe-aKa" / "TORah-aKa" meaning "The Lord of traditions, torahs, laws, canons (kanun)".  This is verified by the fact that Turks have been the law givers to all ancient communities whereever they have been throughout history.   Therefore, ancient TURs/TURKs have always been the "law making and law obeying" (töreci) peoples.

e) TAUR  < Tr. "aTA-U-eR" meaning "BULL" in the so-called "Greek" language. It is the same as TUR coming from "aTA-U-eR".  But ATA (Father) in human terms is a fathering bull therefore ATA-OGUZ is related not only to the name TUR but also to TAUR.

f) TAURUS  < aTA-U-eR-US meaning "He is Wise Father Man"; "He is Wise Bull Man"; also the name of the TAURUS Mountains because the ancient Turanians traditionally gave descriptive God names to landmarks; TAURUS < "aTA-U-eR-US"  < > "TUR-AUS" / "TUR-OUS" / "TUR-OGUS".

g) PIR-ATA / BIR-ATA meaning "One Father" degenerated into so-called Latin PROTO.

h) PIR-ATA-ER meaning "One-Father-Man" indicating God; but also degenerated into "br-oth-er" (brother) meaning people who have the same man as their father.

i) PIR-MA-US meaning "One Magnificent Wisdom" degenerated into so-called Latin PRIMUS which is also the name of the ordinal numeral "one"

j) O-MA-ATA meaning "He is the magnificent Father" which applies not only to the Father God but also the Sun-God as they are magnificent.

While the the ancient Turkish word MA means "magnificent" and is also the name of the Moon (Ma/Ma-aHa < MAH), it is also the duality suffix of the Turkish language.   Turkish is probably the only language in which both the "positive" and "negative" is expressed with the same suffix MA.  For example, while "okuma" means "reading", again "okuma" means "do not read", and it is the same in all Turkic verbs.  Thus the Turkic term MA-ATA indicates the duality of the ancient Turanian Sky-God meaning that God is both "positive/negative" (MA/MA), "Mother/Father" (AMA (ANA)/ATA), "White/Black" (Ak/Kara), etc.  simultaneously.

k)  O-MA-ATA < > AMA-ATA meaning "Mother-Father" indicates that the ancient Turanian Sky-God is a duality god.  The ancient Turkic words AMA / EME / MEME / MAMA are all words describing "mother".  Since "Mother" is a "creator" herself, AMA can be part of the Turkic name for the creator God of the universe. Hence AMA-ATA meaning "Mother/Father (God)" can be a name for the universal "creator God".   Thus a "Creator God" is both "Father" and "Mother".   We can see this in the following Turkic expression, that is, by means of "homonyms": "AMA-ATA" < > "AMA-ATI"  (ADI AMA or AMA ADI) meaning "Its name is Mother."  This again states that Sky-God can be a "Mother".

From the Turkic expression AMA-ATA ("Mother/Father"), it is clear that the gender of the ancient Turanian Sky-God is not known.  As the creator of the universe, it can be "Mother" and it can be "Father" or both at the same time.  Mortals will never know the exact gender of the Sky-God.  In the ancient Tur/Turk world, the Sky-God is a duality God; but in a male dominated society, He is an ATA (Father) God.  In some ancient societies, known to anthropologists, the Sky-God is regarded as "Mother".  Thus, this is an indication that in ancient Turanian family concept, "father" and "mother" had an equal status in the family.

From the Turkic expression AMA-ATA  describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God, the following words evolve: AMA-ATA < > MA-ATA < MATA < > METE < > MEDE, similarly MA-UTU < > MUTU < > MUDU, and others.  Thus: meaning:

l) MA-ATA meaning "Magnificient FATHER" describing Sky-Father-God's  peerlessness in every sense;  Additionally, "MA-ATA / MA-ATI" means "His name is "Magnificent"".  Indeed, God's name is "Magnificent" (Turkish MA).

m) Additionally, Oguz-Kagan calls the Moon (AY) by the name "MA".[5]  This makes the term MA-ATA also to mean MA/MAh-ATA (Ay-Dede, Ay-Baba) which means "Father-Moon" or "Grandfather Moon" referring to the ancient Turanian Moon-God (Ay-Tanri).   But MA-ATA has also changed into   MATA < > METE < > MEDE.  These names MATA / METE / MEDE are the names of many Turkic peoples:

m.1) Turkic speaking Tur/Turk METE/MEDE people of IRAN ( 836-550 B.C.).  It is found under the name MEDIA in literature.[6]  They are the Turkish speaking Turkic peoples in Iran, extending into the provinces of Azerbaijan, eastern Anatolia and Mesopotamia. Their Turkic names have been anagrammatized in literature so that they are barely recognizable as Turkic.

m.2) the Turkic speaking  Tur people of MITANNI (< Turkic MITA-haN'NI / METE-HAN'NI / MATA-HAN'NI) people of Middle East.  The Turkic Hurrians and the Mitannians were Turkic speaking Turanian peoples just like the so-called Phoenicians (Kan/Kün-Hans,Canaans) and the Masarians (so-called Egyptians).  Their ancient roots  go way back to the 2nd millennium  B.C.).[7]

m.3) and METE-HAN the founder of the Great HUN/KUN-EMPIRE (209-174-B.C).[8]  Great METE-HAN of the Great Turkic Hun Empire is also known by the name MAU-TUN recorded by Chinese people.  But the name MAU-TUN is also the Turkic name "MA-UTU-aN/haN" meaning the "Magnificent Fire of Sky" or "Magnificent Fire Lord" referring to the ancient Turanian Sun-God.  Thus, it is clear that when METE-HAN was given a name, he was also being deified by the name of his ancient Turanian Sky-God.

m.4) The ancient Turkic MEDE-TURANIAN-SU (presently Akdeniz) or "MEDE-TUR-RA-NIAN SU" has been anagrammatized into MEDITERRANEAN SEA.  The etymological definition of this word in some dictionaries saying that it comes from Latin MEDI meaning "middle" + TERRA meaning "Land", thus, meaning "Water between the Lands" is a bogus definition.  All water bodies are enclosed between lands.  One does not name a sea such as the "MEDITERRANEAN SEA" on such a trivial etymology.   The true etymology of the word is Turkic because in ancient times this sea was surrounded from all sides by Turanian Tur/Turk peoples.  Additionally, ancient Turs/Turks named most everything after the name of their Sky-God.  Hence the name must have been along the line of "MA-ATA-TUR-ER/RA-HAN-SU" meaning "The water of Magnificent Father TUR and RA-HAN (Sun-God)". This we will discuss later.   We should also note that, the etymology of ancient Turkic names had more than one meaning.   In this case we have the following equally valid etymologies:

m.4a)  MEDITERRANEAN SEA < "MED-I-TER-RA-NE-AN SEA" < Tr. "MEDe-I (BIR/AY)-TUR-RA-hAN-AN SU" ("MEDE-I(BIR/AY)-TUR-RA-hAN-lar) meaning "Water of the Magnificent Moon (AY) Father, TUR Father and RA Father Sky-Lords".  Please note that in English, the letter I is pronounced as "AY" which is the Moon in Turkish.  This is not a coincidence.  There is reason for this pronounciation of the letter I as "AY".  In this anagrammatizing, the following changes have taken place:

Turkic MA meaning "magnificent" has become ME;
Turkic ATA/ADA meaning "father" has become D;
Turkic "I" meaning numeral "one" (bir) has a double meaning: one being that it is the Turkic numeral "BIR" (One) which is the name of Turkic One God; in the other, it is  the letter I (pronounced as AY in English) which comes from the Turkic name AY after the Turkic Moon God;
Thus MA-ATA-I < > MATA-I / METE-I / MEDE-I has become MEDI.
Turkic TUR meaning 'Sky-Father-God' has become "TER";
Turkic Masarian (MISIR) sun-god RA (or ER/AR) has been retained as "RA";
Turkic AN/hAN meaning "sky/sky-lord" has become "NE";
Turkic plurality suffix AN (ler/lar) has been retained as "AN"; and
Turkic SU meaning "water" has become "SEA".

All of these cannot be explained by coincidences.  Simply put, the original Turkic name of this renowned sea has been anagrammatized into the name  MEDITERRANEAN SEA.

m.4b) However, additionally, we have MEDITERRANEAN SEA < "ME-D-I-TER-RA-NE-AN SEA" < Tr. "MA-aDa-I (BIR)-TUR-AN-RA-HAN SU" meaning "The Water of the Magnificent Father-ONE and the Sky-Lord RA (Sun-God) of TURAN". In this etymology, the Turkic name TURAN is divided into TUR and AN and parts are not only misplaced but also further anagrammatized as TER and NE respectively.  At this point it may be useful for the reader to recall the name of the Etruscan Sea, that is, the part of the Mediterranean sea at the west coast of Italy, which was called the TYRRHENIAN SEA.  Again the name TYRRHENIAN SEA is an anagrammatized Turkic phrase describing this body of water in terms of ancient Turkic gods and also the Turkic peoples who believed in those gods.  The etymology of the name is: TYRRHENIAN SEA < Turkic "TUR-Ra-HAN-OYLER SU" meaning "The Water of the Houses believing in the TUR-RA SKY-LORDS .  Thus, the names MEDITERRANEAN SEA and TYRRHENIAN SEA are very much the same and also Turkic in spite of the fact that they have been anagrammatized/distorted.

m.4c) And thirdly MEDITERRANEAN < "ME-DI-TER-RA-NE-AN" < Tr. "MA-iDI-TURAN-RA-HAN" meaning "Magnificent was the TURAN Sky-Lord RA (Sun-God)".  This statement is in the "past tense", the reason for it is that the ancient Turanian Sun-God worshipping religion, which was a universal religion, was killed by the new religions of Judeo-Christianity.  Thus the Turkic Sun-God (Kün-Tengri) was dethroned from being the universal religion.  Hence, it is being expressed in the "past tense". After the dethronement of the ancient Turanian Tanri and Sun worshipping religion which caused the fall of the ancient Turanian TUR/TURK civilization, most people presently have a "moon" or "Black-moon" or "wind" worshipping religions.


ATHEISM is a Turkic expression derived from Turkish "ATa-eHE-ISMi" meaning "His name is Lord-Father" referring to the ancient Turanian "Sky-Father-God".  But this term is defined in dictionaries as: Greek meaning: "WITHOUT GOD". 1 "DISBELIEF IN, OR DENIAL OF, THE EXISTENCE OF A GOD, OR SUPREME BEING.  2.  GODLESSNESS". [9]

This definition for Atheism is deceitful because it is a reversal of the original Turkic expression ATA-AHA-ISMI which means God-Believing.  As clearly seen from its etymology, the term ATHEISM is an anagrammatized Turkic expression that expresses the name of GOD as ATA-AHA in Turkish.  To consider ATHEISM  as being the same as GODLESSNESS would surely be an insult to all those who carry the letter T representing aTa (GOD) on their bodies.

Evidently, those ancient religious missionaries who usurped the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion from the Turanians, made sure that the ancient Tur/Turk religion and its Supreme Creator God termed AHA-ATA or AKA-ATA or AGA-ATA in Turkish is never recognized as Turkic.  By such name changes, meaning reversals, denials and demonizing terms used in propaganda against the ancient Tur/Turk peoples and their civilization and their religion, the anti-Turkic religious peoples not only usurped everything Tur/Turk as their own, but they also obliterated most everything Turkic.

ATHEIST  is defined as "A GODLESS PERSON OR INFIDEL".  Presently, probably under the influence of this intentionally perpetrated disinformation, some people may indeed have a "godless" view of life.  However, the term itself anagrammatized from a Turkic expression states the opposite: ATHEIST < AT-HE-IST" < Tr. "ATa-eHE-SITi"  (ATA AHA'CITI) meaning "He is a follower of the Father-Lord".  This Turkic meaning of the term ATHEIST and its generally assumed meaning are totally opposite to each other.  It is evident that there is a "con game" going on.  Somebody is not or has not been telling the truth. Disinformation has being circulated intentionally.

ATAVIC  is a term derived from the Turkic expression "ATA-UI-CI" (Ata öycü) meaning "one who is attached to the ancestral home". Ancient Turs/Turks were ancestral worshipping people and Turks still regard their ancestors as sacred. The very fact that they went through the trouble and expense of building very elaborate memorials to their ancestors is the indication that they regarded their ancestry highly.  To consider this behaviour as "primitive" as indicated in the definition of the term "ATAVISM" is itself primitive.


This term is said to be from the Latin word "ATAVUS" where AVUS is defined as meaning "grandfather".[11] The Latin term ATAVUS is the same as Turkish "ATa-AVUS" (ATA-OGUS) meaning Father-Aus/Ogus.  But ATA-OGUS is not only the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God, it is also the name of all the ancestors of Tur/Turk peoples who used OGUZ in their names and titles.  Tur/Turk people regard themselves to be the descendants of Oguz - the Sky Father God.  This is why Turs/Turks are known as Oguz people since ancient times.  This is also why Tur/Turk rulers considered themselves as the representatives of Oguz (Sky-God) on earth.  In view of such a situation, it is natural that Turs/Turks  would consider their ancestors as sacred.


In the ancient Turkish culture, AMA-ATA also meant "Blind Father", by another name in Turkish it is "KOR-ATA". The reason for this view of the ancient Turanian Sky-God as being BLIND-FATHER can be explained as follows: It is regarded that the Sky-God had two very conspicuous EYES in the sky:  One being the all-seeing eye, that is, the SUN (Sun-God) which is the magnificently working eye at which no one can look at, and with the help of that eye everything becomes visible.  The second eye of the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God was the Moon which is the blind one, because it is not functioning as good as the first eye, that is, the SUN.  One can always look at the second eye of the Sky-Father-God without being blinded.  Thus, metaphorically the Sky God is a "BLIND GOD", that is, one eye is not working as good as the other one.

In Turkish culture such a person is called "Kor-Goz" / "Kör-Göz".   Similarly and metaphorically, because of this situation, the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God would also be known as KOR-GOZ (KÖR-GÖZ) meaning "Blind Eyed" in which the blind eye is the moon.  On the other hand, because of the supreme flexibility of the Turkish language, the Sky-Father-God is also KOR-GÖZ meaning "Fire Eyed", that is, His working eye is made of "FIRE" referring to the SUN.  Thus the Turkic phrase KOR-GOZ (KÖR-GÖZ) explains and identifies the ancient Turanian sky-father-god, sun-god and the moon-god all by one phrase KOR-GOZ (KÖR-GÖZ).

Thus, using this very basic expression, the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God also has the title of: "O-KOR-GOZ" or "KOR-O-GOZ" meaning "He is blind eyed" or "He is Fire eyed".  But "KOR-O-GOZ" is also "KOR-OGUZ" which refers to both the SUN and the MOON.  While His perfectly working and all-seeing "FIRE EYE", that is, "KOR-O-GOZ" meaning "That Eye is Fire" indicates the SUN, that is, The Sun-God OGOZ, his blind eye "KOR-O-GOZ" meaning "That Blind Eye" indicates the  MOON, that is the "Moon-God OGOZ".  Thus both the SUN and the Moon are OGOZ/OGUZ by name in Turkish.  Because of the fact that both eyes of the Sky-Father-God is OGOZ / OGUZ / OGUS, hence, the Sky-Father-God (TAN-TANRI / ATA-AN-TANRI) is also OGOZ / OGUZ / OGUS.

Thus the ancient Turanian Sky-God-OGOZ (OGUZ / OGOS / OGUS) has a "trinity" concept embedded in it:

Number 1 of the trinity is the Sky-Father-God OGOZ / OGUZ (ATA-AN-TANRI, KOR/KÖR-OGUZ meaning both FIRE-OGUZ and BLIND OGUZ);

Number 2 of the trinity is the Sun-God OGOZ / OGUZ (KUN/GUN-TANRI, KOR-OGUZ meaning FIRE-OGUZ), and

Number 3 of the trinity is the Moon-God OGOZ / OGUZ (AY-TANRI, KÖR-OGUZ meaning the BLIND-OGUZ).

It is to be noted that each one of these deities is ONE meaning that each one exists separately but in the ancient Turkic Trinity Sky-God concept, all three were viewed as part of ONE (BIR).  Hence the concept of "Trinity God" is a Turanian TUR/TURK concept contrary to established misinformation. They are all known by the name OGUZ/OGUS, OGUZ-ATA, OGUS-ATA, OGUZ/OGUS-HAN, OGUZ/OGUS-KAGAN, and many more because the ancient Turanian Sky-God, as the creator of the Universe, is infinite in nature and therefore has infinite names.  It should be noted that all names of ancient Turanian gods are of Turkic phrases made up of syllabic Turkish words.

Since the working "eye" of the Sky-God is "FIRE and LIGHT" (OT/OD, KOR, ATASh, KÖZ, ALAV/ALEV/ALAF/ELIF and IShI in Turkish), God Himself must also be made of "Fire and Light", in other words "INTENSE LIGHT", that is to say, "INTENSE ENERGY".  In view of the findings by modern cosmological reseach, the origin of the cosmos is indeed considered as having started with intense radiation of energy (ISHI, ISI, NUR in Turkish).  This modern view of the COSMOS is very much the same as the understanding of the COSMOS by the ancient Turanian TUR/TURK peoples.  It appears that this unbelievably advanced ancient Turanian civilization was destroyed and looted by the later generations of humanity.

The ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God (ATA TANRI) being regarded as the creator of the universe, is omnipotent and omnipresent; was so in the past, is so at present and will be so in the future.   It will be constant and present for a very long time to come.  Because of His constancy, ancient Turanians regarded his celestial house as being at the NORTH POLE star (DEMIRKAZUK YILDUZ/ILDUZ).  As it is obeserved, the whole universe appears to rotate about the NORTH POLE STAR where the ancient Turanian Turs/Turks believed that their Sky-Father-God resided.  In other words, when all the universe is apparently rotating around one point in space, that being the NORTH POLE, for the ancient Turanians, it indicated that the Sky-Father-God (ATA-TANRI) must be located at that point. Otherwise the universe would not be rotating around it. Modern science sees this rotation in a different view which is understandable, however, for the ancient Turanian Turs/Turks the cause of the rotation was because the Sky-Father God's celestial residence was there.

However, ATA-TANRI is everywhere and is in everything because ATA-TANRI  is not only ENERGY, it is SPACE (< MA-AKA-AN > MAKAN > MEKAN) and TIME (AN) too.  Space is a celestial entity that exists in the minutest elements of nature (ATOM <  Tr. ATAM) and also all throughout the COSMOS.[12] It exists in the DNA, in the GENES (< Tr. GÜN / GÜNES / GÜNESh), in the plants, and in anything and everything that exists.  Without SPACE nothing can exist.  Therefore, SPACE is another form of ATA-TANRI (SKY-FATHER-GOD).   Similarly, ATA-TANRI is also TIME, which is AN in Turkish.  Hence, in ancient Turanian, AN-U/O was the name of the Sky-Creator-God; in Sumerian ANU was also the creator God's name.  Turkish AN-U/O means "It is Sky" which is "space" and also "It is time" ("O-AN" or "AN-O" in Turkish).   The Turkish name TANRI embodies all these concepts in its structure thus the name TANRI (TENGRI, TENGIR, DINGIR, TENGERE, TANGARA, ...)  is an all encompassing Turkic name that extends over the universe.

Even the name COSMOS  is anagrammatized from Turkic phrases: COSMOS < "COS-M-OS" < Tr. "KOS-Ma-OS" < > oKOS-Ma-OS < > OGOS-MA-OS/ÖZ meaning "Magnificent TRUE OGUS").


The Turkish word  TANRI / TENGRI / TENGIR / DINGIR / TENGERE / TANGARA meaning the SKY-GOD has the following equally valid Turkic etymological meanings:

n.1)  TANRI < T-AN-R-I < 'aTa-AN-eR-I' (Ata-An-Er-Bir) meaning "Father-Sky-Man-One" (One-Father-Man of Sky) indicating that Father God Is ONE (BIR).

n.2)  TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'aTa-AN-eRI' meaning "The Father Man of Sky" indicating the ATA-God is the (only) Father-God of Sky.

n.3)  TANRI < T-AN-R-I < 'oT-AN-eR-I' ('Ot/od-An-Er-Bir') meaning "Fire-Sky-Man-One" (One-Fire-Man-of Sky) which is the definition of the SUN - the SUN-GOD as the Fire-Man of Sky.  In ancient Egyptian (Tur Masarian) language 'R/Ra/aR/eR' was the "Sun" and in Sumerian 'Utu-An' means the "Sun-God-of-Sky" where 'AN' was 'SKY' and 'UTU/UDU' was the 'SUN GOD'. The term SKY appears to be anagrammatized from Turkic SAKA-OY meaning "House of As-Aka (Peerless Lord referring to God)" and "House of As-Ak (Peerless White referring to the Sun)". Thus the Sky is the House of the Sky Father God and the Sun God.

n.4) TANRI < 'TAN-RI' < 'TAN/TUN-ERI' (Gece-Eri) meaning "Man-of-Night" which refers to the MOON as well as the Sky-Father-God MA-AN meaning "The Magnificent [one] of Sky.   The Turkic word TAN/TUN/TÜN also means "NIGHT".  The Turkic term "TÜN-AYDIN" meant "Good-evening" or "Good-night".  The Turkish phrase: "TAN-YERI AGARDI" means "darkness is changing to light".  Hence, the Turkic word "TAN" also has the meanings of  "night" and  "darkness".   So the Turkic TAN-eRI  embedded in the name of Sky-God TANRI is also the name for the Moon, that is, the MOON-GOD.  Thus Turkic name TAN-ERI is nothing but the ATA (father), OT/OD (Fire of Sun) and TAN-ERI (moon) all in ONE (BIR). Sky-God is always present irrespective of whether it is day or night.   So is the Sun and the moon.

 n.5)  TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'aTa-AN-aRI' meaning "Father-Sky-Bee" which likens the One-Sky-Father God to a Bee Lord.

 n.6)  TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'aTa-AN-aRI' meaning "Father-Sky-Modesty", (i.e., Sky-Father-is modest as opposed to arrogant ).

 n.7)  TANRI < T-AN-R-I < 'aTa-AN-Ra-I' (Gök-Ata-Bir Günestir) meaning "Father-Sky-One is Ra (Sun-God)" which defines Sky-Father-One as the Sun-God of Sky.

 n.8)  TANRI < T-AN-R-I < 'aTa-AN-Ra-I' (Ra Bir-Gök-Ata) meaning "Ra (Sun-God) is ONE-Sky-Father", i.e, the Turkic KÜN-TANRI (Sun-God)  and the ATA-AN-TANRI (Sky-Father-God) are one and the same.

 n.9)  TANRI < T-AN-R-I < 'oT-AN-Ra-I' (Gök-Odu-Bir-Ra) meaning "Sky-Fire is One Sun-God" which again defines the Sun (Kün) as the Sky-God RA (or ER/AR).

n.10)  TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'oT-AN-RaI' (Gök-OD'u Rayi, Gün-IShI raylari / çubuklari / huzmeleri) meaning "The Rays of Sky-Fire" referring to the Sunlight (GUN-ISHI).

n.11) TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'oTu-AN-yeRI' (Odu/odur Gök-Yeri (mekân/makan) meaning "It is the SPACE" indicating that TANRI is also "SPACE".

n.12)  TANRI < T-AN-RI < 'oTu-AN-iRI' (Odu/odur IRI-AN/Iri-Zaman) meaning "It is the LARGE-TIME", thus indicating that Turkic TANRI is also large time, most likely referring to the age of the universe, since at the time the universe started, TANRI was there because He was the creator ATA (Father).

Possibly many other meanings like these can be derived from the Turkic name Tanri.  This shows how meaningful the name TANRI (GÖK-TANRI) was for the ancient Turkic speaking Turanian TUR/TURK peoples. Thus it becomes clear that the Turkish name TANRI for the Sky-God represents the Sky-Father-God, the Creator God of the Universe, the Sun-God, the Moon-God, Space and the age of the universe as well as a small length of time all in one word.  This is all possible because of the nature of the Turkish language which is a TUR LANGUAGE.

TANRI OGUZ/AGUZ not only has many names, but also is a NAME GIVER to everything.  In this context, he is Turkish KORKUT-ATA, the name giver to OGUZ people.  KORKUT-ATA <  > "KOR-KUT-ATA" meaning "The Sacred Fire Father" describing the ancient Turanian Sun-God.  At the same time, the name  KORKUT-ATA also gives us the Turkic expression of "Kor-Kut-At" (Kutsal At KOR) meaning  "One who gives sacred names" which is the legendary profession of KORKUT-ATA as name giver in Turkish culture.  Hence, KORKUT-ATA THE NAME GIVER is another name for the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God OGUZ-ATA.  That is why Turkish may be viewed as the SUN-GOD OGUS-ATA language.



Some Turkish descriptive names related to OGUZ-HAN THE SKY-FATHER-GOD are as follows:

GÖK-TANRI  or  GÖK-TENGRI : meaning "Sky-God";

O : meaning "HE / SHE / IT" in English. O, in Turkish, not only refers to the Sky-God but is also the name of the demonstrative pronoun O or SHU, meaning "that", and the personal pronoun for third person singular.  English HE has a direct relationship to Turkish "eHE / aHA / aKA /aGA" meaning "LORD";

This indicates that the personal pronouns in Turkish (MAN / MEN, SEN, O) are named after the name of the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God. The personal pronoun I, in English, is the name of the moon (AY) in Turkish. My research indicates that this is not a coincidence.  Similarly, other Indo-European languages, which were manufactured from ancient Turkish by anagrammatizing Turkic phrases, also use the same principle of naming their personal pronouns after the name of the Turkic Sky-God, but in Turkish. I will discuss the personal pronouns separately.

PIR / BIR : not only represents numeral ONE in Turkish but also represents the oneness of the ancient Turanian SKY GOD ("aPa/aBa-I-eR" meaning "Father is ONE Man"). The English numeral name ONE is directly related to the reverse of Turkish phrase EN-O (hAN-O) and Sumerian ANU meaning the creator sky-god.

AKA / AGA / AHA / EKE / EGE / EHE : are different Turkic versions (dialects) of the Turkish term AGA or AKA meaning "Lord" or "Ruler" which is also the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God;

ANU : is known to be the Sumerian name of the creator God.  Turkic AN as in TAN-TANRI stands for "Sky".  ANU is also glorified in the Turkic name ANA (ANO/ANU) meaning "mother".  ANA (Mother) is also a creator like the sky-God ANU.

HAN / HEN / HIN : are different Turkic versions (dialects) of Turkish HAN or KHAN meaning "Lord" but also describe the Sky-God as the Lord of the Sky (aHa-AN) .  These Turkic words also appear in other languages as HEN, HIN, HUNS, KHAN, XAN, KAN, KON (CON), etc..  For example, the English name/title "HENRY", used by some of the ancient English kings, is from Turkish "HAN-ERU" (HEN-ERU) meaning "Lord man of Sky".  Of course the name HENRY (HENERU) is very much the same as the Turkish word TANRU meaning the Sky-God.  The letter Y is a disguise letter representing Turkic U and it hides the Turkicness of the title HENRY.  Another anagrammatized form of it is INRU which is equivalent to Turkic TANRU.  All ancient kings, popes and other forerunners of the past have used names and/or titles describing themselves as if they were the representatives of Sky-God on earth - as the ancient Tur/Turk peoples used to do traditionally.   For example, the term "Pope" (Papa) comes from Turkish "aPAaPA" (BABA) meaning "grandfather from father's side".  The term BABA also means "father".  While BABA refers to any father, in actuality, in the case of PAPA (POPE) it refers to the Father God (Ata or Ata-Ata). There could be nothing more exalting for a person than to take on the name of the Sky-God.

AN-U / AN-O / HAN-O : are Turkic phrases meaning "He is Lord" or "He is the Ruler" but also implicitly state that "He is Sky" and "He is Sky-God".  This Turkic phrase HAN-O  describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God has also been anagrammatized as NOAH and presented to the world as a Semitic name.

ATA-U-ER / ATA-O-ER : shortens into  TUR (which is one prominent name of the ancient Turanian Sky God), meaning "He is Father Man".  It can also be viewed as OT-ER meaning "the Fire Man" referring to the Sun.

BIR-AHA-MA : means "One Magnificent Lord" describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God.  The ancient Tur/Turk peoples took this concept to the Indus valley and the Indian sub-continent where this Turkic name is known as BRAHMA / BRAHMAN / BRAHMA PUTRA of the ancient religion of Hinduism.  Similarly, this Turkish expression has been anagrammatized to form the so-called Semitic name ABRAHAM / IBRAHAM / IBRAHIM all derived by anagrammatizing the Turkic phrase "BIR-AHA-Ma", "BIR-AHA-MA-aN", or "BIR-AHAM" describing the Turkic Sky-God.

BIR-AHAM (BIR AGAM) : meaning "My ONE Lord".

BIR-AHA-MA-AN : meaning "One Magnificent Lord of Sky" which is the same as BRAHMAN.

KOR-AGA : meaning "the Fire Lord (sun).

KÖR-AGA : meaning "Blind Lord".

KOR-AN : meaning "The Fire of Sky (Sun)".

O-KOR-AN : meaning "He is the Fire Lord of Sky (Sun)",

OKOR-AN (Okur-Han) : meaning "The Sky-Lord Reads" or "The sayings of the Sky-Lord".  This is also the name of the sacred book of Moslems, KOR'AN or KUR'AN.  Alternatively, Turkish KURAN means one who builds or creates.  Again, KURAN is one name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God who created the universe (Kurdu, Kuran)

KOR-HAN : meaning "Fire Lord of Sky" or "Lord Fire of Sky" referring to the Sky Father God and the Sun God.

KÖR-HAN : meaning "Blind Lord of Sky" referring to the Sky Father God and the Moon God.

With such magnificence attributed to the Sky-God, Tanri TUR and OGUS were the same and represented the universe, time (an, öd/öt, 'Az-Ma-An' > Zaman) and space (Uzay/Uzak) all simultaneously.  His color was the sky blue defined by the color turquoise and his stone was the precious stone of turquoise.

TURQUOISE:  While the name TURQUOISE is the name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God (TUR-AK/AKA-OGUZ), TURQUOISE is also the name of a particular blue (green-blue) color, like the sky color, which carries the name TURK and OGUZ.  The etymology of TURQUOISE gives us the following meanings:  TURQUOISE  < TURQ-UOIS-E < Tr.  "TURK OGUZ EVI" meaning "The Home of the TURK OGUZ" referring to the sky (AN/GÖK/GÖY) since TUR-aKa Oguz is the name of the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God.  Since the SKY is the colour of TURQUOISE blue, relating the sky color to the Tur/Turk Sky-God (GÖK-TANRI) is rational.  The colour TURQUOISE is attributed to Turks because TUR-AKA-OGUZ (TURK-OGUZ) was the sky-God of Turkic peoples.

Additionally, TURQUOISE is a blue, bluish-green, or greenish-gray mineral used as a very valued gem-stone since very ancient times in the artifacts of ancient Tur/Turk peoples.

AK-HAN : meaning "White-Lord", referring to the Sun and its implied qualities such as: light, visibility, daytime, justice, fairness, enlightenment, knowledge, wisdom, truthfulness, the Lord of all the good and beneficial things to humanity, etc.   Ak-Han, by another name, OGUZ-HAN (AG-UZ-HAN or AG-YÜZ-HAN), is the true representation of justice, straightness and truthfullness.  Thus OGUZ (AG-ÜZ)  is AS (one/peerless), OS (true) and US (wise/ with wisdom) all at the same time.  Additionally, AK-HAN can refer to the totally white or full Moon (no black in it).

KARA-HAN : meaning "Black Lord", referring to the Lord of all evil things to humanity (i.e., lack of light, night, unfairness, injustice, terror, crime, black moon, etc.).

OT-AN : meaning "FIRE OF SKY" or "SKY FIRE" is the name of the ancient Turanian SUN-GOD.  This name comes in many forms such as TAN, DAN, OTAN, ODAN, ODIN, ODEN, UTAN, UDAN, ADON, ATON, ATUN, ATAN, ATA-AN.  Even the Turkish term DIN meaning "RELIGION' comes from the name of the Sun in Turkish OT-AN > O-TAN > O-DAN > O-DIN.  It is quite clear that when one worships something such as OT-AN, OD-AN, OD-IN, O-TAN, O-DAN, O-DIN, that it itself becomes a DIN (religion).  Thus, Turkic Gün-Tanri has given its name to DIN (religion) as well.

Many more Turkic names descriptive of the ancient Turanian Sky-God can be added to this list.   No coincidence theory can deny or explain the Turkicness of the ancient universal Sky-God Religion.

AK-HAN  and KARA-HAN, like DAY and NIGHT, are in the nature of human beings and are inseparable from each other.  One leads to the other as night leads to day or vice versa.  Hence, the ancient Turanian SKY-GOD is a duality god.  Only by cultural education, can one be increased to be the dominant player, that is, greater than the other. In this sense, AK-HAN (OGUZ) should be the aim of humanity, rather than the evil KARA-HAN (CRONUS). It seems that humanity is going through a period of KARA-HAN (CRONUS) which is the opposite of AK-HAN. Even the famed writer HESIOD noted in his writing entitled "Works and Days" that "I wish I were not of this race, that I had died before, or had not yet been born." referring to the evil values that were dominant in the society of the first millenium B.C. in Greece.


The ancient Turanian SUN-GOD is known by the Turkic names KAN or KEN or KIN or KÜN or KON or KUN-TANRI. The Sun God is regarded as the second in line after the Sky-Father-God.  This view is very natural and rational since the Sun (KÜN/GÜN) is the only (BIR, TEK, TEK-KÜN)  life giving energy source for all living things on earth and possibly on some other planets as well in our solar system. Therefore, the Sun, as the ancient Turanian Sun God, is the working and all seeing EYE of the Sky-God (GÖK-TANRI). As the Sun shines with its all illuminating rays, everything brightens, becomes visible and receives the life giving warmth. Without sunlight (KÜN/GÜN ISHI) and the heat of the sun (KÜN-ISI) not only would all things become invisible to mortal eyes, but also life would freeze in a very short time.  It is with the everpresent help of sunrays that life starts, flourishes, matures, renews itself, dies and then the cycle starts over again.  Without KÜN/GÜN (SUN) everything would be in total darkness and frozen in our solar system.

In view of the life giving benefits of the SUN, it is most natural and rational to regard the SUN as the only God for the mortals on earth.  Although water (SU) and air (HAVA) are also essential to living beings on earth, hence they are also "God Like" in providing life on earth, however, without the SUN, nothing would function irrespective of if there is water and air or not.  But as we noted above, the Sun, the Sun-God of ancient Turanians, is the OGUZ, that is, the life giver ("CAN veren" in Turkish; note the sound similarity of Turkic CAN and the so-called "Semitic" word JOHN;  JOHN is anagrammatized from Turkic CAN (life) but the source of life (CAN) is the Sun (Kun or Kan).  In JOHN 1:1-6 of Old Testament, the name John is described as being "LIFE".  The Turkic CAN and so-called Semitic "JOHN" both meaning "LIFE" and sounding the same, cannot be attributed to coincidence.  It is clear that just like most other Turkic traditional culture and civilization (Töre/Tora/Tura/Torah, laws and kanuns) that the Semitics took from the ancient Tur/Turk peoples, they also took the Turkic word CAN and anagrammatized it into JOHN.

The letter J is a later addition to the alphabet that was earlier represented with the letter I.  In the name JOHN, the J is a deceptive letter which is pronounced like the Turkish letter C but also stands for the letter I or numeral one.  Thus, JOHN < > IOHN < "I-O-HN" < Tr.  "I-O-HaN" meaning "One is that Sky-Lord" and referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God - which is a trinity concept consisting of the Father God, the Sun God and the Moon God.

Additionally, since the letter I, in western languages, is pronounced as Turkish AY - meaning the Moon, another level of confusion is introduced.  Therefore the I-O-HN (JOHN) from above is now read as AY-O-HAN meaning "That Lord is Moon",  and < Tr. "AY-HAN" meaning the "Moon the Sky-Lord" referring to the ancient Turanian "Moon-God" (AY-Tanri).  Thus, the Turkic name "AY-HAN", the second son of OGUZ-HAN,  in western languages becomes distorted into JOHN, Latin JOANNES, German JOHANNES, Greek IOANNES, Hebrew YOHANAN or YOHAN and probably also JON, YAN, IOHN, YOHN and of course the name YUNAN in Turkish erreneously standing for "Greek" rather that the true owners of the name  IONS /AY-HANs.    For example, in the name of the great German (Alman) composer JOHANNES BRAHMS, the name may be viewed as being derived from the Turkic expression: "AY-HAN-AS  BiR-AHA-MA-aS"  meaning "The Peerless Lord Moon is One Magnificent Peerless Lord" elevating the ancient Turanian Moon-God to the level of Sky-God. This name is a very exalting title for an accomplished person.  No language other than Turkish would provide such a name that roots itself to the ancient Turanian Sky-God Oguz.  The abreviations such as  MAS / MES / MOS are the name of the Sky-God MA-OUS/OGUS meaning "Magnificent Oguz".

YO-HN is also a simple transformation of Turkish "OY-HAN" (HAN ÖYÜ) meaning "The House/Palace/Sarai of the Sky-Lord" (TUR-OY) referring to the Moon as being such a palace in the sky.  The ancient name of TROY < Tr. TUR-OY (TUR-ÖYÜ) meaning "The House of TUR" is the exact correspondence of OY-HAN / AY-HAN (so-called "JOHN").  In the Turkic OGUZ-KAGAN epic, AY-HAN is one of the six sons of OGUZ-KAGAN - the Sky-God.   So it seems that the founders of the Judeo-Christian religion have taken the son "AY-HAN" of the OGUZ-KAGAN as God for themselves.   It is no wonder that they have so many names derived from Turkic AY-HAN in the form of YOHAN to  JOHN.

OGUZ is also the AGUZ meaning "mouth" which provides "eating" capability to all living beings, which in turn becomes "life" (CAN) for those who have a mouth to eat.  In other words, without a mouth (AGUZ) nobody lives or speaks.

OGUZ is also the Turkic AGUZ meaning "language".  Hence OGUZ is also the "language" for those who have a mouth to speak with.  That is why the ancient Turanian language is known not only as  TURKISH or TURKIC < Tr. "TURK-eCHE" < > "TURKÇE", that is, the "language of Great Father TUR-ECHE", but also as "the language of OGUZ" ("OGUZ dili"). Hence, AGUZ is the speech maker, singer, sound maker, noise maker, caller for help and name giver to all things.


The ancient Turanian Moon-GOD is known by the Turkic names AY or MAH-ATA or MAH-AR or MAH-ER or MATA or METE or MEDE. The Moon God is regarded as the third in line after the Sun-God.  The MOON-GOD (AY-TANRI), being the "Blind-Eye" of the Sky-God is rather a cold one, hence one of its names is AYAS or AYAZ which not only means "Peerless Moon" (Ay-AZ) but also means "Bitter Cold" (AYAZ). It also means "Cold Light" because moonlight is really sunlight that the Moon reflects back to Earth with reduced heat (ISI).

The Turkish word EÇE (ECHE) was also a name used for the "Moon" in ancient times because EÇE (ECHE) means Great Father or Mother in Turkish and was used to define the elder person in the family irrespective of the gender of the person.  Both are "EÇE" in ancient Turkish and so is the ancient Turanian Moon-God.  This is evidenced because of the fact that the Moon is both White and Black (AK/KARA) at the same time.  Thus, the Moon-God is a duality god.  It has two faces, just like Janus ("Yan-üz" or "Yan-yüz" or "Ay-Han-Yüz") people, that is, two-faced people who are totally undependable.  The Turkish numeral name for three (UC) also comes from "ECE" referring to the Moon and its third position in the trinity.  The Turkic phrase "AK-EÇE" meaning "White Great Father/Mother" describing the "moon" becomes "KEÇE/KEÇI", that is, the "Male Goat" (TEKE) becoming another animal logo for the Moon-God in Turkish. The Turkic term "ECHE < > EÇE" is a duality term meaning "Great Father" or "Great Mother" in Turkic languages, but it is also the name of the suffix CHE (-çe, -çi, -ce, -ci, -cü, -cu) in Turkish as in TÜRK-ÇE.

The name MA-ATA < > MATA < > METE < > MEDE  also represents the ancient Turanian Moon-God (O-MA-ATA) which is so openly dual in nature.  For that reason, in ancient lierature,  the Moon has been personified as HE and also as SHE in character roles.  On the other hand "O-MA-ATA" (AMA-ATA) is also the name of the Moon-God and the Father-God of sky together as they are both KOR-GOZ (blind-eyed).

The name MATA / METE / MEDE has also been the name of many of the Turkish speaking Tur/Turk peoples such as the so-called MEDE people in the ancient Middle East (ancient Iran, Anatolia and so-called "Mesopotamia"),  Mitanni people of ancient Middle East, and the name of the Turkish METE-HAN of the Great Hun Empire (also known in Chinese as "MAU-TUN" < > "MA-UTU-aN").   In this context "MA-ATA-AN" < > "MA (AY)-ATA-HAN" meaning "Moon, Father, Sun" referring to the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God.  We must also note that METE is a widely used Turkish masculine name.


In ancient Turanian religious culture, the main animal logo of Oguz Han was "OKUZ" in Turkish meaning "OX" (bull) as the name OGUZ / OKUS / OKUZ all rhymed with the Turkish word "OKUZ".  That is why the believers of the ancient Turanian Sky-God Ogus/Okuz portrayed the Sky-God with the symbol of a One or Two Horned Bull (OX).  Wild OKUZ (Bull) was a "father" (ATA) figure, hence was a symbol of the creator "Sky-Father-God".  The "crescent moon" shaped horns of the "bull" (OKUZ) was the representative of the Moon-God (AY-TANRI) as well.  This is why we see the Crescent moon in the flags and ancient monuments of Tur/Turk peoples since very ancient times. It does not originate from Islam as is mistakenly portrayed. This is also why so many bull figurines and pictures are found in the ancient artifacts everywhere.  Because this OGUZ-ATA religion with its bull (okuz) logo, created by the ancient Tur/Turk peoples, was the universal religion of the ancient world.

OGUZ-HAN was also represented with the Bull Rhinokeros (Gergedan) with one horn at the forehead being representative of the ONEness of God. The Rhinoceros and the Bull Elephant were shown on some of the seals of the INDUS culture[13] and also on some bronze vases found in ancient China.[14].  But, mostly it is the BULL (Turkish OKUS, APIS in MASAR [Egypt]) that represented the ancient Turanian Sky-God.  His OKUZ/OGUZ identity is clearly shown on the second line from top of the Turkic epic OGUZ-KAGAN Destani., with the picture of a BULL (OKUZ).

Rhinoceros from ancient Greek "Rhinokeros" < "R-HIN-O-KER-OS" <  from Turkish "RA-HAN KOR-EOS" "ER-HAN/(RA-HAN) KOR-OUS/OGUZ" means "The Sky-God Sun-God Fire Lord OGUZ" thus referring to Tur/Turk KOR-OGUZ-HAN.   Evidently the Greek word for Rhinokeros is anagrammatized from Turkish.  In OGUZ-KAGAN related Turkic Epics, OGUZ-KAGAN lives with wild animals and hunts Rhinokeros and bulls and other wild animals.  He is always together with the wild animals like the Sumerian BILGAMESH / GILGAMESH epic.  God and Sun rays are always together with the wild animals.  Hence there is a pun used in the story.

Of course the name OKUS has another identity which is associated with the term "OK" meaning "arrow" which is also independently identified by Haluk Berkmen, another Turkish researcher in the field.  The term OK'UZ in a way represents a life philosophy of all TUR/TURK peoples:  OKUZ meaning "WE ARE ARROWS" implies having a life philosophy as straight as an arrow (i.e., strightforward, honest, fair, just, etc.).

In Turkish Oguz-Kagan epic, Oguz-Kagan sent his three sons (Kün-Han, AY-Han ve Yultuz-Han) to the east where they found "a golden bow" (altun yay) and brought it back to their father. Of course the "Golden Bow" referred in the story is the "CRESCENT MOON" that all Turks have immortalized in their national flags.  When metaphorically, the ends of the "crescent moon" are tied together, it becomes a "bow".[15].

Additionally, Oguz-Kagan sent his other three sons, Sky-Lord, Mountain-Lord and Sea-Lord (Kök-Han, Dag-Han and Deniz-Han respectively) to the west where they found "three silver arrows" and brought them back to their father.  In this episode, the term "silver arrows" refer to the "three rays of Sun" most likely standing for Turkish AS (Bir/Birlik/Essizlik, that is being UNITED, UNIQUE), US (Wisdom, that is being WISE, SMART, EVER LEARNING, BEING KNOWLEDGEABLE) and OS/ÖZ (truth and truthfulness, that is, always being TRUTHFUL, DEPENDABLE, HONEST, FAIR, STRAIGHT, GOOD, and others).  After all these were symbols of the life philosophy of the ancient Trinity Sky-God worshipping Turs/Turks.

The Sun, as a star, and its rays were also immortalized in the national flags of Tur/Turk peoples since very ancient times.

With respect to the Sun-rays (Kün-Han) and the Moon (Ay-Han), the ancient Turs/Turks were also known as the "SPEAR (Sun-rays) and SHIELD (AY) PEOPLE (Mizrak/Kalkan (KILIÇ/Kalkan) halki) because of the fact that they were not only the SUN/MOON  worshipping people, but also the inventors of the "spear" and "shield".  These have also been immortalized in their KILIÇ-KALKAN dances.  Even the term MAU-TUN (Mete-Han) also means "Spear and Shield" in Chinese.


The animal Logo of Mete-Han was the BULL like the name OGUZ/OKUZ.  Since the name MATA / METE / MEDE was associated more with the Moon (Moon-God), its animal logo was preferably the BLACK BULL  (KARA BOA/BOGA).  In this category, the bulls of the Bison and Buffalo (Turkic MANDA, CHAMISH) were probably the top choice bulls.  The Turkic peoples called MANDEANS (from Tr. MANDA-HANS) still carry this name MANDA after the logo of Mete-Han.   The name CHAMISHANE in the ancient MEDE land is exactly after this logo of the Mete/Mede-Han.

In the Philippines, a species of water buffalo with beautiful crescent shaped horns is called CARABAO (most likely anagrammatized from Turkish KARABOA meaning black bull).  In Malay, it is also called KARBAU from Turkish KARA-BOA. Another name for this animal in Turkish is MANDA or CHAMISH.

The BISON/BUFFALO was the sacred animal of the North American First Nations before the European migrants killed them all.  The ALGONQUIAN North American native peoples call their Great Spirit GOD by the name MANITO (also MANITOU, MANITU, MANITU KITCHI[16] and WAKANDA[17]) which is related to the Turkic name MA-ATA / MATA / METE / MEDE / MAH-AN-ATA and also has the animal logo of MANDA (Buffalo).

The name ALGONQUIAN < "AL-GON-QUI-AN" from Turkish "AL-GUN-GÖY-HAN" meaning "Red-Sun Sky-Lords" indicates their original Turanian Turkic ancestry.  Additionally, we have:

MANITO < "MAN-I-TO" from Turkic "MAN-I-OT) (MEN BIR OT) MEANING "I am one Fire" describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God (Sun). The Algonquians call this peerless Sky-God as "The Great Spirit MANITO".

MANITU KITCHI from Turkish "MAN-I-OT KISHI" (Men Bir Od Kishi) meaning "I am One-Fire-Man" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God (Sun) again.

WAKANDA < "W-AK-AN-DA" from Turkic  "U-AK-hAN-ADA" (O AK-HAN ATA) meaning "He is White-Lord Father" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God (Sun) again.

When the North American so-called "INDIANS" put on their dazzling costumes with the glaring Sun-Rayed headdresses embellished with colorfull feathers, they are actually celebrating their ancient Sky-God SUN (GÜN-TANRI) whom their ancestors worshipped.   When they gather around a great fire  in a circle dance, they are again commemorating their ancestors who worshipped the Great Spirit and the SUN.

The HOLSTEIN bulls of SCOTIA and other parts of England with a black and white patched skin color (ALA-BOA/BOGA in Turkic) must also have been named after METE-HAN:  HOLSTEIN[18] < "H-OL-STEIN" < Tr. "aHa-ALA-ISTEN" (Aga Ala Istan) meaning "The land of The Spotted Lord" referring to the spotted moonscape of the moon as it appears to the watchers from earth.   Indeed in ancient Turkish and among the Moon worshipping Turkic peoples, the Moon is likely to have been described as AHA-ALA-ISTAN as it was also called by the name of TUR-OY.

The term ISTEN/ISTAN is generally referred to as being a "Persian" word.  The term "PERSIAN" means "One of the peoples of Persia".[19]  However, in this very vague expression, that  undefined "One of the peoples of Persia" is implied to be the "Indo-Iranians" rather that "Turko-Turanians of Iran" who are equally valid inhabitants of Iran since very ancient times.  In fact, the Turko-Turanians of Iran were more ancient than the Indo-Iranians.  The term ISTAN < I-S-T-AN < TR. "I-aS-aTa-hAN" meaning "The caravansarai (han/saray) of One-Peerless-Father" refers to any land/country as a palace of the Sky-Father-God and is metaphorically correct.  Thus the expression ISTEN/ISTAN, as it appears at the end of many Turkic countries, is Turkish in origin.


AS: meaning "One / Only / Peerless / Single" [BIR / ESSIZ / TEK] describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God.  AS is sometimes written as a single S.

ASIA: the Turkic name given to the continent of ASIA indicating that this continent was the original home of the ancient Turanian ONE-SKY-GOD AS / US / OS / OUS/ EUS / OGUS and the universal religion associated with that celestial One-God concept.  The name ASIA < AS-I-A" < Tr. "AS-I (BIR) EV" meaning "One Peerless Home" or "The home of one/peerless"; similarly, from "AS-ÖY" meaning "Home of ONE" or "Peerless Home".  In all cases the name ASIA is named after the ancient Turanian Sky-God as all other geographical names are also named by ancient Turanians after their Sky-God OGUZ.  It is highly likely that the English term GAZETTEER, defined as "Geographical dictionary", is anagrammatized from Turkish "OGUZ-ATA-DIR" meaning "He is Father Oguz" or "OGUZ-ADI-TIR" meaning "It is an Oguz name". Implied in this is that the ancient geographical names were named after Oguz by the Oguz people (Turanians). This is sensible because in Turkish legend, OGUZ-ATA (KORKUT-ATA) was the name giver to everything.

OS: meaning "Truth, Essence, fact"; [OS / ÖZ / GERÇEK].  OS is sometimes written as a single S.

US: meaning "Wisdom, being wise"; [US / AKIL / AGIL].  US is sometimes written as a single S.

O-AS: meaning "He is one" or "He is peerless"; [O-BIR / O-ESSIZ].

O-US: meaning "He is wisdom"; [O-US / O-AKIL].

O-OS: meaning "He is truth, He is justice, He is fairness"; [O-OS / O-OZ].

OS-MA-AN: (O-aS-MA/MAH-HAN) meaning "That One/Peerless (Sky-Father-God), MA (Moon-God) and HAN (Sun-God) referring to the trinity sky-God of Turs/Turks.

OS-MA-AN: (OSMAN (OGUZMAN)) meaning "He is OGUS Man", "He is Tur/Turk people"; OSMAN a masculine Tur/Turk name;

MA-APA-UD: > MAPUD/MABUD meaning "Magnificent Father-Fire" referring to the MABUD Sun-God (KUN-TANRI or OGUZ).

MABUD-OSMAN meaning "God Os-man/Ogus-man" was another expression describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God Oguz-Man who represented the justice, fairness, and goodness on earth.  The name also referred to the just and fair attitude of OGUZ believing Oguzmen (Turs/Turks) towards all.  That is why this Turkic expression has been anagrammatized into a new word called OMBUDSMAN meaning an appointed intermediary who fairly defends the rights of the "ruled" against the "ruler".   Turks presently are trying to adopt the distorted word OMBUDSMAN representing their own Turkish expression of MABUD-OSMAN.  This shows how soft the descendants of the ancient Turs/Turks have become in that they are importing their own words in disguised format back into their own language.  It also indicates how successful the usurpers have become in their deceptive anagrammatizing of Turkic phrases.

In annagrammatizing the Turkish expression MABUD-OSMAN into OMBUDSMAN, the letter O at the beginning of OSMAN is removed and placed at the beginning of MABUD while the letter A after M is dropped.  The resulting words OMBUD and SMAN are combined to give the new word OMBUDSMAN which is now being exported to the world.

O-MA-ER (OMAR / ÖMER) < Tr. "O, MA, ER/RA" meaning Sky-Father-God, Moon and Sun, that is, the trinity sky God;  OMAR / ÖMER is a Turkic masculine name;  Many people have used this exalting Turkic title for the Sky-God as a personal name.  The famed HOMER, writer of the ILIAD, is one such example (about 800 B.C.). The SAKA people had a ruler named OMER-AGA and there are many other famed 'OMER/OMAR' named persons in history.

MA-AS: (MA-BIR) meaning "Magnificent ONE" referring to the oneness of God;

MA-US: (MA US) meaning "Magnificent wisdom" which refers to the wisdom of God";

MA-OS: (MA-ÖZ/OS) meaning "Magnificent Truth" representing the ever presence of the ancient Turanian Sky-Father-God / SUN-God / Moon-God OGUZ.

These last three names of the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God OGUZ, that is, MA-AS, MA-US and MA-OS  have also been anagrammatized into MUSA, that is, MOSES - taken by the ancient Hebrews.

MA-U-SOS: (MA -O-SÖZ) meaning "He is Magnificent Language" referring to the Tur/Turk language;  This indicates that the Turkish language consists of the words, names, titles, actions, etc., that are descriptive of the Sky-God OGUZ, hence the language is the OGUZ-LANGUAGE or GOD'S LANGUAGE.  Similarly, all other languages manufactured from Turkish can be regarded as OGUZ-LANGUAGE.  This we will show to be the fact as we progress in this essay.

MA-U-SAS: (MA-O-SES) meaning "He is Magnificent Voice" probably referring to the thunder clap during storms;

MA-O-SES: (MA-O-SES (MOSES)) meaning "He is Magnificent Sound" probably referring to all the sounds generated by living nature on earth; additionally, it also indicates the voice of BULL OGUS in the form MO-SES meaning "Voice of BULL (OKUZ/OGUZ)" where "Mooo" represents the voice of a bull.

O-AL-MA-ATA: (O-ALMATA)  "He is the magnificent red Father" referring to the blood-red color (al-kan/al-kün) of Sun at sunset and sunrise, that is, the Sun-God of ancient Turanians.  Sun is not only RED (AL) but is also the source of all other colors; The name AL-OSMAN of the Ottoman Turks also comes from AL referring to the Sun.

O-AL-MA-KÜN: meaning  "He is Magnificent Red Sun";

O-AL-KAN: meaning "He is red blood" referring to the red color of Sun and also the "blood" (kan) which is the life provider for all living beings;

KIN-O-AL-OUS/OGUS: meaning "Sun is That Red Ogus" or "That Red Ogus/Okus is Sun".  It is important to note that this Turkic expression describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God Oguz is anagrammatized into "NIK-O-AL-OUS" > "NICOLAUS" (St. Nicolaus ) who is a familiar sight all over the world every year in the month of December.  St. Nicolas, being embellished with red and white colours (i.e., colours of the Sun), is not a coincidence. It can be seen that the modern explanation of St. Nicolas is false and disinformation. Evidently there has been a blatant usurpation of ancient Turkish religious culture by some groups for their political and economic ambitions.

O-aGa-AS: (OGAS/OGAZ) meaning "He is Lord ONE";

O-aGa-AS: (O-GAS/O-GAZ) meanin "He is GAZ "; "He is Oguz";

O-aGa-US: (OGUS/OGUZ) meaning "He is Lord Wisdom"; "He is Oguz people";

O-aGa-US: (O-GUS/O-GUZ) meaning "He is GUS/GUZ/OGUZ";

O-aGa-OS: (OGOS/OGOS) meaning "He is Lord Truth"; "He is Oguz people";

OGAS/OGAZ: (O-GAS/GAZ) meaning "He is Goose"; "He is Oguz people";

OGAZ: (O-GAZI/KAZI/YAZI) meaning "It is the writing" and/or "It is the inscription" on stone or on any other medium; Turkic KAZIT means inscription scribed (from Turkic "gazmak/kazmak") on stone or any other hard medium.  Yet, YAZIT would be the inscription on any medium;

OGUS/OGUZ: (O-GUS/GUZ) meaning "He is Oguz people";

OGOS/OGOS: (O-GOS/GOZ) meaning "He is Eye"; "He is Oguz people";

OKUS: (O-KUSh) meaning "He is Bird" referring to the Sun and the Moon;

OKUZ: (O-KUZu) meaning "He is Lamb" referring to the Sun and the Moon;

OKOS/OKOZ: (O-KOS/KÖZ) meaning "He is ember fire of sky" referring to the Sun;

OKUS/OGUS: (AK-US/AG-UZ) meaning "He is white face" which describes the Sun and Moon as being "white faced " celestial entities.

OGUSTUR: (OGUS-TUR) meaning: 1) "He is OGUS";  2) "He is "TUR OGUS" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God;

OGUSTUR: (AGUS-TUR) meaning : 1) "He is the language"; 2) "It is TUR aguz" meaning "It is the TUR Language".

OGUS-ATA-US: meaning "Wise Father Ogus" referring to the Sky-God;

O-MOR-GÜN / KÜN / KIN / KAN / KEN:  meaning "He is the purple Sun";

TUR-AUS-tur: (TUR-AGUS'tur) meaning "It is TUR language";

TUR-AUS-tur: (TUR-OGUS > TAURUS) meaning "Bull".

TUR-OD-OKUS:  (Tur-Od-Okus) meaning "TUR is Fire Bull";

TUR-AHA-OD-OKUS: (TUR-AGA-OD-OKUS) meaning "Lord TUR is Fire Bull" or "Lord Tur is Fire Oguz" referring to the Turkic Sky-God of the ancient Turanian Trinity Sky-God religion.

Sky-God's title "TUR-AHA-OD-OKUS" has been anagrammatized into an important Greek name in the form of ORTHODOX which is the name of the Greek Orthodox church.  The anagrammatizing of the Turkish phrase "TUR-AHA-OD-OKUS" is as follows: ORTHODOX < "ORT-H-OD-OX" < Turkish "TOR-aHa-OD-OKUS" (Tur Aga Od Oguz) meaning "Lord TUR is Fire Oguz" describing the relation between "Lord TUR" (ATA-U-ER) the Sky-Father God and the "Fire Ogus" (the Sun-God) of the ancient Turanian religion.

This indicates that the Greek ORTHODOX church took not only its name from Turkish, but also took its tenets from the Turkish religious traditions (TÖRE / TORA / TORAH) of the ancient Turkic trinity Sky-God religion.  That is why the first five books of the Greek Orthodox religion, together with the Old Testament, is called TORAH meaning the "canon / laws" (kanon / kanun / tora / töre in Turkish).  The implication of this is that the ancient Greeks not only helped to destroy the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion, but after destroying it they took over the tenets of the same Turanian religion, as they knew it then, anagrammatized all relevant names of the Turkic religion and came up with a secretive new religion based on the "Black Moon" and the "Wind".

O-AS-AKA: meaning "He is One/Peerless Lord" referring to Sky-God;

O-AS-AKA: (O-SAKA) meaning "He is the Sky-Lord" and "He is the SAKA Turs/Turks;

O-AS-AK: meaning "He is One/Peerless White" referring to Sun and Moon;

O-AS-AK: (O-SAKA) meaning "He is the Sky-Lord" and "He is the SAKA Turs/Turks;

This list of words describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God can be extended endlessly.  All words in the list would describe the real and metaphorical features of the ancient Turanian Sky-God OGUZ.  Thus, OGUS/OGUZ isthe primary name of the ancient Turanian Sky-God.

The purpose of all of these illustrations was to show how the ancient syllabic Turkish was used to describe different attributes of the Sky-God.  The list of all such names make up the eventual formation of the Turkish language.  That is why Turkish is the Sky-God TUR language.  Therefore Turkish may be called the language of TUR OGUZ-ATA.

Up to here we have seen different names of the ancient Turanian Sky-God in terms of ATA, MATA/METE and OGUZ.  Now let us take a look at the following familiar name.


The so-called Greek name "PROMETHEUS" is in fact the anagrammatized name of the ancient Turanian trinity SKY-GOD, in the form of "BIR-O-METE-OGUS".   Thus the etymology of the name PROMETHEUS is Turkic based: PROMETHEUS < "PR-O-METH-EUS" < Tr. "PiR-O-METHe-EUS" (BIR-O, METE, OUS/OGUS) meaning "One-He (Father Sky-God), Mete (Ay-Tanri) and Ogus (Gün-Tanri)", thus naming the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God "ONE SKY-FATHER-GOD / MOON-GOD / SUN-GOD.  Evidently, the KARA-HAN-US (CRONUS < > CR-ON-US) believing ancient Greeks have not been candid about their activities with respect to the ancient Tur/Turk culture and religion that they lived, enjoyed and cherished for a long time in the past and even at present.  Cronus believing Greeks and their kins have been very secretive and untruthful about all the things that they abducted from ancient and modern Turs/Turks and claimed as their own.  The "original sin" must not have been the taking of the "apple" by Eve, but rather the usurpation of the ancient Tur/Turk peoples' Sky-God religion, language and civilization.   In order to cover up this initial "sin", additional deceptions were piled up on the top of the original deception.

Now that we know the identity of the so-called "PROMETHEUS" (composed at about 463 B.C), the next time one reads the famed play "PROMETHEUS BOUND"[20] by equally famed AESCHYLUS, we will know the identity of the main character of the play as the ancient Turkic trinity Sky-God.  Of course, not only Prometheus was anagrammatized, but also the ancient God of Fire  HEPHAUSTUS (again from Turkish HEP-aHa-AUS-aTa-US" meaning: a)  "Lord of everything, the Wise Father OGUZ (Sun-God), that is, "Ogus-Ata-Us," and b) also by way of pun in Turkish, "The Lord Mouth (AUS/AGUS/AGUZ), the sayer of everything said and/or made up".  Of course the name of AESCHYLUS is also anagrammatized from Turkish: AESCHYLUS < "AES-CH-YLU-S" < Turkish "AES-eCHe-ULU-aS" (AYAS-EÇE-ULU-AS/BIR/ESSIZ) meaning "Great father Moon is the great One" and also "Great father Moon is Spotted (ALA in Turkish) One".  Thus the Turkic phrase chosen as a name for himself describes not only the ancient Turanian "Moon-God" (AY-AS) but also Aeschylus himself as being such an exalted person (in name).

In the play "PROMETHEUS BOUND", all other character names are also anagrammatized Turkic phrases personifying the ancient personalities of the ancient Turkic Sky-God religion.  The play "Prometheus Bound" is one of the forerunning preparations, in addition to the "Old Testament" that prepared the road, not only for the dethronement of the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God religion represented with the names Tanri, Oguz, Mete, Bir-O, PER-O (the name of the Phraoahs of the so-called ancient "Egyptians" (Masarians)), but also for the usurpation of the ancient Turkic Sky-God religion and also everything else Turkic and Turanian including the Turkic language under disguised names.


The so-called Greek god "ZEUS" is actually nothing but the Turkish OGUS/OGUZ expressed with the Turkish phrase "aZ-EUS" meaning "Peerless OUS/OGUS".  Hence, neither the name ZEUS nor the concept of ZEUS belong to the ancient Greek people.  It is clearly indicated in some sources that Greeks got ZEUS from PELASGIANS, that is, the SAKA-TURKS at the DODONA temple.  Thus the ancient Turanian name EUS/OUS/OGUS appears as ZEUS in ancient Greek.  Zeuz is also from Turkic "SÖZ" meaning "language" which verifies the biblical expression that: "In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god" from JOHN 1:1.   In the name of Zeus there is the Turkic word "SÖZ" meaning "word".  Similarly, the name Oguz has the Turkic "AGUZ" meaning "word" or "language".  They do not seem to be due to coincidences.


 In this mythological story, ZEUS who eloped with "EUROPA" is actually the personification of the Sun-God, that is, the "Peerless-EUS/OUS/OGUS" whose animal logo was OKUS the BULL (OX).  The "white bull" in the story is the "White-Hot-Sun (Father-God/Sun-God/Moon-God) and what comes out of the sea as a white bull must be the reflection of the sun on the sea surface, metaphorically swimming from east toward west (towards the island of Crete from eastern coasts of Mediterranean Sea (i.e., Mede-Turanian Su).

In this mythological story, the Phoenician king Agenor was also the personification of the ancient Turanian Sun-God as it is seen from its etymology: from Turkish AGE/AGA-NOR/NUR" meaning "Lord Light" or "Lord of light" which is the Sun (Sun-God, i.e., Turkish Kün-Han, Kan-Han, Kanan/Kenan, so called Hebrew "Canaan").

The identity of Europa has three possible etymologies: a) it is the feminized personification of the sun itself, b) it is the sunlight, or c) it is the moon.   This we will see below.  According to the mythological story, princess EUROPA gave her name to Europe.   The name has the following etymology:

EUROPA < "EUR-O-PA" < TR. "HURI-O-APA (EPE, EBE, APA-AL (ABLA))" meaning "that girl is a houri", that is "a nymph of the Paradise" referring to the Sun which is personified as a Phoenician (Turkic Kan-Hans/Kün-Hans/Kenans, Canaan) princess. Phoenicians were Turkic peoples like the Masarians (so-called Egyptians) and not Semitic as they are falsely portrayed.

EUROPA < "E-U-RO-PA" < Tr. "O-RA-APA-E" meaning "It is the house of Father RA (Sun-God)" referring to Europe as being the land of ancient Turanian Sun-God ER/AR/RA.

AVRUPA < "AV-RU-PA" < Tr. "EV-RA-aPA" meaning "House of Father RA (Sun-God)".

AVRUPA < "AVR-U-PA" < Tr. "VAR-U-aPA" meaning "That Father exists".  Surely no one can deny the existence of the Sun, Moon and the rest of the universe which was regarded by the ancient Turanian Turs/Turks as created by the Sky-Father God "OGUZ-ATA".  The name AVAR of the AVAR Turks also comes into this definition of Europe.

The Phoenicians (Canaans/Kan-Hans/Kun-Hans/Kün-Hans) were Turkic speaking Tur/Turk peoples believing in the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God contrary to the disinformation that has been perpetrated claiming that they were "West Semitic" people.  The claim that the Phoenicians were "West Semitic" people is a false claim. Such claims constitute a designed way of usurpation of the ancient and the modern Turkic peoples themselves by changing their names and identity, thus portraying them as non-Turkic people.  In other words, these ancient Turkic peoples, who gave so much civilization to the world, are now being portrayed as non-Turkic peoples.   Such behaviour is nothing less than stealing away the history of the Turkic peoples. The Phoenicians and Carthaginians were Turkic speaking Tur/Turk people, like their bretheren Mitannians, Hurrians, Anatolians, Medians, Masarians (so-called ancient Egyptians) in MISIR, and many others who had ethnically nothing in common with the Semitics, just like the present day Turks who have no ethnic relations with them.

Now let us examine some of these names:

Since RHADAMANTHYS was noted for exemplary justice during his lifetime, in the afterworld he was made a judge together with Minos and Aeacus.[22]  In other words these three people were so just, impartial, fair, upright, lawfull, honest in their lifetime that they were also appointed as the administrators of justice for the dead people in the afterworld.  The names Rhadamanthys, Minos and Aeacus are names anagrammatized from Turkic expressions describing the ancient Turanian trinity  Sky-God.

RHADAMANTHYS < "RH-ADA-MAN-THY-S"  < Tr. "eR-aHa (RA)-aDA-MAN-TU-S" (Er Aga (Ra) Bir/As/Us/Os Ataman'tu) meaning "Sun-God was One/Peerless/ Wise/True Fatherman".  This describes not only the Sun-God but also the Father-God of ancient Turanians.  Adaman/Ataman is a very widely used Turkic name.

MINOS < "MIN-OS" < Tr. "MEN-OS" (Men Ogus) meaning "I am Os (Ogus)" which again refers to Ogus-Khan the God.  In Sumerian language ANU was the name of the Sun-God and Sky-God also.[23]  This god's symbol was the eight-cornered star and/or 8-lines crossing each other thus making a sun symbol, symbolizing the ancient Turanian Sun-God.  This Sumerian symbol is/was called DINGIR  which is the same as Turkish TENGIR / TENGRI / TENGER / TANGARA and TANRI.  Of course the name Minos is also a different form of Turkish MENES/MANAS.   Thus we see that Minos is the Turanian Sun-God Ogus-Khan (Gün-Tanri).

AEACUS < "AE-ACUS" < Tr. "AY-AKUS" (AY-OKUS/OGUS) meaning "Moon-God Ogus" which again refers to Ogus-Khan but this time Ogus being the Moon-God.

This trinity, RHADAMANTHYS (ER AGA (RA) BIR/AS/US/OS ATAMAN'TU, i.e., the Father-God/Sun-God), MINOS (MANAS, i.e., the Sun-God), and AEACUS (Ay-Akus/Okus', i.e., the Moon-God) formed the ancient Turanian trinity god concept which served as deities of a universal sky-god religion.

The fact that in the Greek mythology, these ancient Turanian trinity deities were appointed as judges in the afterworld indicates:

a)  the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion was the most justice loving and justice administering religion.

b)  these Tur/Turk deities represented the AK-HAN (White-Lord), that is everything fair, just and good for humanity;  The "evil-God" "Kara-Han-Us" (Cronus) could not fulfill that function.

c) these Turanian deities were the most admired, obeyed and followed names among people of the real world for representing good morality and fairness.  In this context, in addition to the Tur/Turk peoples, even those ancient Greeks, Semitics and other Aryans who also worshipped these deities were later black labelled  as "pagans", "heathens", "satans", etc..

d) an admission, in an indirect way, of how just and fair the ancient Turs/Turks were to the people who were in their states;  This is also demonstrated by historically known Turkic States (e.g., Hazar, Mogul, Saljuk, Ottomans, etc.).

e) how some groups were motivated by their envy of the ancient  Turs/Turks to vigilantly scheme Byzantine intrigues to destroy the widely practiced Turanian sky-god religion and to dethrone its Turanian gods as the most widely worshipped deities. Although, the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion was destroyed, and its Gods were dethroned, they were never killed.   The Sun, the Moon and the Universe still lives on.  Even those groups who devilishly denied the SUN still benefit from its warm and life giving rays.


Regarding the name of OGUS, I want to bring to the readers' attention the so-called ancient Greek name: HERMES and HERMES TRISMEGISTUS which is also identified with the ancient MASARIAN (so-called EGYPTIAN) god THOTH.[24]. HERMES was the herald, i.e.,  a messenger of the gods, giver of increase to herds, guardian of boundaries and of roads and their commerce.  He was further the god of science and invention, of eloquence, of cunning, trickery, and theft, of luck and treasure-trove, and conductor of the dead to Hades. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS was the fabled author of works embodying magical, astrological, and alchemical doctrines.

Similarly the Masarian THOTH was the scribe of gods, measurer of time, and inventor of numbers; hence the god of wisdom and magic.," [24].

The etymology of HERMES TRISMEGISTUS is as follows:  "HERMES TR-ISME-GIS-T-US < from Turkish "HERMES TuR-ISMi-GuS-aTa-US" (Hermes'in Tur adi Oguz-Ata-Us) meaning "Tur/Turk name for Hermes was "Ogus-Ata-Us" meaning Wise-Father-Ogus".  Thus, this so-called Greek name HERMES TRISMEGISTUS defines "HERMES" as being the same as the Tur/Turk "OGUZ-ATA-US" which was the ancient Turanian trinity SKY-GOD.  This Turkic expression defining the identity of HERMES TRISMEGISTUS is unquestionable evidence that the ancient Masarian (so-called Egyptians) were Turkic speaking Tur/Turk peoples. Additionally, the name HERMES is also from Turkish "ERMESh / ERMISh" meaning a person of maturity in all kinds of knowledge.  This is the attribute of OGUS-ATA, the ancient Sky-God of Turs/Turks, who is also known by names such as  MA-US, MUSA/MOSES, THOTH.

MUSA < Turkish "MA-US (OGUS)" meaning "Magnificent wisdom" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God Ogus.

THOTH < Turkish "aTI(adi)-ATA" meaning "His name is Father" referring to the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God.

From the description of the functions of HERMES, THOTH and HERMES TRISMEGISTUS, it is clear that it was the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk people who gave the world: the writing system, the alphabet, the numbers, the language, the schooling system, the postal concept (messenger system), magical, astrological, and alchemical doctrines, measuring time, and many more.  Unfortunately, while all of these have been forgotten by modern Turks, they have been usurped and declared as the contributions of some non-Tur/Turk peoples who had nothing to do with the invention of these concepts and the development of these systems.

Thus from all this, it is seen that ancient Turanian Turkic phrases describing the Sky-God were rearranged to give different names for the Trinity Sky-God.  The ancient Greeks did not explain such linguistic artifacts of the ancient Turkish culture with clarity.  Their aim must have been to take any item of Turkic culture, break it, confuse and disguise it and then declare it as their own.  The ancient Akkadians also did the same.  Scholars have not been able to reveal such ancient disguises, because: a) they did not suspect or know that a complete usurpation of ancient Turanian culture, religion and language had taken place, b) they were unwilling but forced participants of a con game that made a mockery of the Turanians, or c) they were willing participants of an evil game that aimed to make the ancient Turanians and their civilization totally forgotten.

The Greek word THEOS means "GOD".  The etymology of this word is:  THEOS < TH-EOS < Tr. "aTa-EOS" (ATA-OGUS) meaning "Father OGUS" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God Oguz.  Thus it is obvious that this supposedly ancient Greek word THEOS meaning "God" is actually an anagrammatized form of the Turkish phrase "aTa-Ogus" or "aTa-Oguz" describing the Sky-God "Ogus-Ata".  This is the result of the confusion that Genesis 11: 6-7 recommends to be fulfilled and that is what was done and probably still is being done.

It is clear that just like the ancient Semitics, the Greeks and the other so-called Europeans also took everything from TURS/TURKS and after having done that they obliterated all traces of that action making sure that no traces can be recalled or remembered.  Probably that is why they use the word "obliterate" meaning to erase, to blot out, destroy, make it be forgotten as if it never existed.

Probably, if it was possible to destroy the ancient Pyramids of GIZA, they would have done so long ago, as they did erase the ancient Tur city of so-called Carthage from its foundation. If obliteration is not done physically, it is done by changing the names.  For example, renaming the ancient Turkic name MASAR or MASARIA or MASAR-OYU to EGYPT (meaning Gypsy) is such an obliteration.

MASAR < Tr. "Ma-AS-AR" meaning "Magnificent Peerless Man" describing the ancient Turanian Sky-God that the Masarians worshipped (OSIR).

EGYPT  < "E-GY-PT" < TR. "Ev-GöY-aPa-aTa" meaning "The House of Sky-Father (GrandFather)", where Turkic Ev (Sumerian E) means 'house", GÖY means "sky" and APA-ATA (PTAH) means "father" and/or "grandfather" referring to the Sky-Father-God.  Turkic GÖY is from Turkic phrase "aGa-ÖY" meaning the "House of Lord", e.g. Sky.

EGYPT < "E-GYPT" < Tr. "E-GUPTi" (EV GIPTI) meaning "The house of Gypsies".  It is well known that ancient MASAR, also called by the Sumerians MAGAN (< MA-GUN, MA-KAN and MA-HAN) was not the "Home of Gypsies".   The intentional obliteration of the ancient Turkic name MASAR with the name EGYPT was done during the Hellenic reign of the country.

The name GIZA where the ancient TUR MASARs (EGYPTIANS) built the great pyramids carries the name of OGUZ.


Up to this point we have defined and described the ancient Turanian Trinity Sky-God religion and some of the names associated with that religion.  This study revealed that:

1) Ancient Turanian religion of Turs/Turks was a universal trinity religion where the Sky-Father, the Sun and the Moon were the Gods being worshipped.  The deities being worshipped were out there for everyone to see and required no human intermediary.  Hence, this ancient Turanian religion was the most honest, natural, direct, free from human deceptions, and hence, a true religion of the world.  The Sky-Father God was considered as the Grand Spirit of them all.  It was probably practiced all over the ancient world.   This is evidenced by the fact that all ancient religious monuments, such as the pyramids and other temples were built on this ancient Turanian Trinity Sky-God concept, that is, for the Sky-Father-God, the Sun and the Moon.

2) All later religions of the world have their roots in the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion.

3) Sky-God had unlimited number of names all expressed in Turkish in clear form or in anagrammatized form.

4) Ancient Turs/Turks achieved this fantastic linguistic achievement by first naming syllables of their syllabic Turkic language by the attributes of their Sky-God.  Later on at about 1300 B.C. when they invented the ALPHABET, that is, invented by the so-called Phoenicians (Kün-Hans), then, they also named the letters of the alphabet by the names of their Sky-God. This we will show in another part of this series.

5) Thus the Turkish language was the language of TUR OGUZ ATA. Initially it was a language of syllabic words which were joined together to make larger words.  That is why Turkish is an agglutinative language.  It is as if the Sky-God himself made it.  It can confidently be said that Turkish is the language of the Sky-God "TUR OGUZ-ATA".  Earlier some Turkish researchers called it "The SUN-LANGUAGE" with no success.

6) The Sky-God Oguz Ata was the name giver to everything in Turkish and also in other languages anagrammatized from Turkish.  All definitions of words, names, titles of rulers, names of landmarks, names of countries, tribes and ancient cities etc. were named in syllabic Turkish. The so-called name  "GAZETTEER" meaning a "a geogrphical dictionary"  includes the Turkish phrase "GAZ-ADI-TIR" meaning "It is an Oguz name" and "GAZ-ATA-DIR" meaning "He is Father Oguz".  In this context, one of his Turkish names was KORKUT-ATA who was known as "The Name Giver" to Oguz Beys.  Another name probably was the Turkic " AT-HAN" meaning "The Lord of Names" which seems to have been  anagrammatized into Greek in the person of the virgin goddess ATHENA, the daughter of ZEUS.

7) The ironic thing is that while some anti-Turkic groups were trying to obliterate the ancient Turkic world and build languages for themselves from ancient Turkish, they inadvertently preserved the ancient Turkish culture and language, albeit in a distorted format.

They manufactured words out of Turkic phrases and/or words by anagrammatizing them.  In doing that they also made up words that expressed their own feelings toward the Turs/Turks.  Now, after so long, they can be read as if they were Turkish phrases carved on stone.  The words and names of Turkic and non-Turkic languages are snap-shots of the ancient Turkish language and culture from the distant past.

Polat Kaya

February 02, 2002. (Revised May 10, 2002)


1  Reshid Rahmeti Arat, "Eski Türk Sîiri", Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlar VII. Dizi (Sa. 45b, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Ankara, 1991, p. 8-9.
2  Polat Kaya, "Search for the Crescent and Star Motive on Turkish Flag", 1997 my internet page:
3  Encyclopaedia Britannica (EB), 1963, Vol. 22, p. 652.
4  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 1038.
5  Won Gaban and Resit Arat, "Oguz-Kagan Destani", Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili Seminery Nesriyatindan, Burhaneddin Basimevi, Istanbul, 1936.  This paper also was reproduced in Türk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü Yayinlari No. 65, entitled "Resit Rahmeti Arat MAKALELER CILT I", Hazirlayan Osman Fikri Sertkaya, Ankara, 1987, p. 605-672.  This title MA is found on Lines 245-246 of the OGUZ-KAGAN Epic.
6  EB, 1963, Vol. 15, p. 171-172.
7  1) EB, 1963, Vol. 11, p. 604-606. 2) EB, 1963, Vol. 3, p. 963-964.
8  "Türk Dünyasi El Kitabi CILT 1", Türk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü Yayinlari: 121, Ankara, 1992, p. 112.
9  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 67.
10  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 67.
11  EBWLD, 1963, Vol. 1, p. 90 under "atavism".
12  Polat Kaya, "Em-Space and Renewal- At-pi Cosmology (A revisit of Space and Gravity)", PHYSICS ESSAYS, An International Journal Dedicated to Fundamental Questions in Physics, Volume 10, Number 2, June 1997, Hull, Canada, p. 204-247.
13  EB, 1963, Vol. 12, p. 226-227 and Plate I after p. 230.
14  Michael Sullivan, "The Arts of China", Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1973, p. 57.
15  Pierre Grimal (Editor), "Larousse World Mythology" (LWM), Paul Hamlyn, London, New York, 1969, p. 167-170.
16  EBWLD, 1963, Vol. 1, p. 775.
17  EBWLD, 1963, Vol. 2, p. 1413.
18  EB, 1963, Vol. 5, Plates I-V.
19  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 740.
20  "Aeschylus, "Prometheus Bound" translated by Philip Vellacott, Penguin Books, 1980.
21  EB, 1963, Vol. 8, p. 835.
22  EBWLD, 1963, Vol. 2, p. 1079.
23  C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading - Book", Oxford at The Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 178.  AN, ANU the god of heaven.
24  1)  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 1039. 2) Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1947, p. 467.