KEB Home Page ---- Test Web Site

Basic Instructions.
Web pages are written in the language html, so you have to start the code with html in pointy brackets, and end with /html in pointy brackets. Everything else is nested within html to /html

Usually there is a heading, etc but this has been left out of this example.
Headings are documentation for the program but they do not show on the browser display.

After the heading there is the stuff you see with your browser. The stuff you see is called the body.
You have to start the body with body in pointy brackets and end with /body in pointy brackets.

Everything you want to see is nexted within body to /body

Try adding some text by typing it here.
The only thing you have to remember is to put the br enclosed in pointy brackets to move to the next line.
Otherwise the text will just go to the edge of the page and then wrap.
The br in pointy brackets is stands for break.... just another way of saying line feed.