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This is Abbie, the pup of Maggie, a flat coated retriever who was also at the SPCA in Aylmer.  We adopted her in September 2008.  Very
typical puppyhood; playing, eating, sleeping, chewing! 






Then in February 2009 I noticed a small lump on her head near her ear.  I warm compressed it but it never came to a head, it just got bigger and bigger.  Took her to the Vet and he said that it was a dermoid cyst. 






A dermoid cyst is a saclike growth that is present at birth.  It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found on or in the skin.  The Vet said it was only the second time in his career that he has ever seen this. 






We always knew Abbie was unique!  She put up with the cone for 10 days and is now back to her old self, can't even see the scar.  She is now 11 months young!

Melanie and Sierra











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