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Abbie is doing very well and adapting to her new home.  She was pretty timid for the first couple of days, but has really begun to come out of her shell.  She loves our cat Alex and gets along well with her new brother Boston.  Today she went to a dog park and met all kinds of dogs.  She was very interested and did very well.  We have taught her to sit and are working on getting her to play with some toys.  We feel blessed to have her in our family.




Update June '13

Abbie is doing wonderful.  We found out that she had Beaver Fever shortly after we got her, so she was treated for that.  Her energy level has increased incredibly since the treatment.  She is mischievous, loving, and very bright.  She loves Boston and is comfortable enough now to initiate play with him and will chase him around the backyard.  She loves Alex the cat and gives him plenty of face washes.  I am not sure the cat likes that though, however, he doesn't try to push her away. 




I am sending you a picture of the first time I caught Abbie and Boston resting together under the willow.  I knew that I had made the right decision to bring her into our family when I saw them like this.  The other is of Abbie when I was vacuum cleaning.  I turned around and found her resting in my chair with her new chew toy.  I snapped a picture and then starting training her off the furniture!  We are starting training classes next week with her.  As friendly and curious as she is, I think she will like the attention.




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