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Hi, my name is Abelle.  That was my name when you were looking after me and my new family has kept it ---- it was obvious they know I am a pretty girl, “A Belle”I respond to my name, as well as “Hibou” or just “Bou”

(Here I am at the SPCA – not too happy.)

My new family were not too sure about me at first ... my boy actually left me here initially (... I might have growled at him a bit --- I did not like it in a cage), but he came to his senses later that day and came back for me. 

I am teaching my boy and my girl what I like – they say am very expressive – I think I know what I like and how I like it.  They also say that I am finicky, whatever that means, I say I am a torti exotic short hair Persian and thus can be this way.  They are slowly learning what makes me happy --- and I am very good to encourage their positive actions with lots of chattering, purring and yes ok the occasional growls too.  They are starting to understand my body language too – at first they thought I had a problem with my back haunches as they were fairly close to the ground for a while --- it was just me being cautious – now I’m a lot more confident and they are up.  My girl and boy think it might have something to do with my past life ---- but I am with them now – and they remind me, all the time, that I am safe and secure with them. 

(I still do this – lead with my paw first.)

They took me to the vet.  Got to go for a car ride – that was fun!  The vet was very nice (at Bytown Cat Hospital).  She let me investigate the whole office, even gave me treats, shaved off a lot of mats, gave me my shots (ouch!), told my girl and boy that I was a rare find ---- hey I already knew that so glad others are finally clueing in ... and gave me a cuddle. I do like a good cuddle. 

My home is awesome – I have full reign.  I silently run around the whole place – I can do stairs now like no one’s business (my girl and boy are unsure if I had ever seen them before); I have my favourite spots to nap and my very own bed (but at night I really like to sleep with them).  The only think I HATE is a closed door ... I still have more training to do with them on that front.  I always greet everyone at the door – I must know who is entering my home and I patrol it, watching out for anything amiss.  I have my family and am meeting lots of new friends and kids too – they all adore me.  They tell me I will get to visit a cottage (whatever that is) next summer – if it is as good as this is I am all in.




(On my side of the bed)







(Honest - I like it in my basket – it’s cozy.)

I have a job at home – pouncing and catching flies – I am increasing my proficiency at that – by next year I will be a pro.

I am great with the computer – I sit on the keyboard and watch the screen a lot – I also rest right beside the TV ..... why watch TV when you can watch ME!





(Really wouldn’t you rather watch me?)

My family found me on Thanksgiving weekend (who knew they were getting a cat instead of a turkey!).  We are still getting to know each other but things are working out.  I do miss my human friends at the SPCA, they did a really good job letting my girl and boy take me home. 

More later.


ps - I have to work on my modelling – my boy says I have amazing green-yellow eyes but my girl has not been able to capture them well in a picture....




Update August '14

Hi again SPCAWQ friends – Abelle checking in.

So much to tell you! It has been 10 months since I was adopted to my forever family and my life is pretty amazing….if I do say so myself.

I now know my name (Abelle, - nick names Hibou or just Bou – my boy & girl think I look a bit like an owl) – and if I feel up to it – I come when called – chattering all the way.  Oh ya, since leaving, I have become quite the chatterbox.

I am now a working cat, I guard my home and family – Abelle is always on duty.  I patrol my home, and all those in it, watching out for anything amiss.  In my spare time I have taken on the added responsibilities of ant chasing, bug killing, squirrel & bird stalking. 

My boy & girl say that I have personality plus, I am chatty and with a very expressive tail.  It is just I have to explicitly explain things to them using lots of chattering, purring, and yes ok, the occasional growls too.  If you do not understand my words, I am positive you will understand the story my tail tells.

My girl and boy have worked at getting good pictures of me – here is my before and after shots – see …. with a bit of patience, persistence and the right lighting …. pretty spectacular eh?



At the SPCA, not too happy ... This is a bad picture of me.









At home, happy girl ... This is a great shot of me.







More modelling – I really do have beautiful eyes & see how I still lead with my paw – I look sooooooo big in this picture – but really I am a tiny tiny girl.





While I am not a lap cat yet, I always want to be in the same room as my family and love a good cuddle and scratch.  My family plays with me a lot – I love it all - toys, tag, fingers, toes, string or whatever else catches my eye.  I am a kitten wrapped up in an almost 3 year old tiny body!  At night – once I know my home is safe - I curl up in bed with my girl.  My home (& cottage) have some pretty amazing napping spots (like the middle of the kitchen floor, or on the computer, or beside the window ….).

I have not changed that much since leaving you all -  I still hate closed doors – (why would anyone want to keep me out?) & thunder storms - but really who doesn’t?  With the support of my boy, girl, and awesome family I am just a more confident version of ME.

That is all my news for now.  Thanks SPCAWQ friends for matching me up with my family - I will take good care of them.



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