adopted Bianca (now Alice) from your organization in mid-November of
2008. I thought I would send an update to all of you to tell you
how she's doing.

is doing extremely well; she settled down quickly into her new
home, however she seemed a bit lonely. As a result I adopted
Oliver in mid-December, and even though it took both of them time to
get used to each other, they now get along beautifully.

Both of them enjoy running around the house, and getting into mischief
together, as well as love playing with plastic bags (with
supervision), or anything that makes similar noises. They are
also about the same age (approx. 3 years) so that also helps with
their close companionship.

I want to thank your organization for all your help, and I'm currently
looking into volunteering my time at a local animal organization in
I'm enclosing some pictures of both of them, and feel free to add them
to your Happy Tails section if you wish!
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