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I just wanted to send a message to say hi from Andy (see attached photo), my new best buddy that I met and brought home from your place several weeks ago.

I don't know the name of the young woman who introduced me to Andy, but she is the one wearing a green sweater and holding a brown and white dog on your staff web page.

I can't thank her enough!  At the time, we chatted for a bit about where I lived and the kind of pal I was looking for, and she said, "you should meet Andy".

I did, and I fell in love.  And it was no mistake!  Andy is perfect.  We are best buds.  And he is so well behaved.  Such a good doggie.

Anyway, I've attached a photo.  Maybe one day we'll come for a visit.  But please do tell the young woman in the green sweater how happy Andy and I are, and what a good job she is doing!



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