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Hi everybody!  My name is Angel and I’m going to be 2 years old on September 15th.  I’m originally from Montreal.  My owners moved away and they left me behind.  I was pretty lucky cuz I was fed by our neighbour for three whole weeks.  I’m not sure how it all happened but, I ended up at the SPCA in Aylmer after that.  That was another lucky break for me cuz that’s where I met my new mommy who’s just crazy about me.    



When my mom was shopping for a new roomie, she picked up almost every cat in the room except me.  I was a little insulted but I just kept staring her down until she finally broke down and picked me up.  That’s when I turned on the charm and touched her face with my paw.  Well, that was it, folks!  She adopted me on the spot and we’ve been joined at the hip ever since!    





When I got to my new digs, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that our other two roomies (Earl & Atticus) have feathers!  Now, I don’t know if they’re too high or if I’m just too short but I can never get my paws on them pesky little fellas no matter how hard I try.  That’s okay though cuz I’m very patient and incredibly persistent.  And scaring the little dickens is such a blast too!  Earl died recently but I’m telling you right now, I had absolutely nothing to do with it.  Really I didn’t … honest.  Prrrr. 



I enjoy eating my special food and yummy treats; doing a little bit of window-watching to see what our neighbours are up to and beauty-sleeping on « our » big comfy bed.  I usually sleep on my back and my mom thinks it’s just sooooooo adorable.  Go figure.  Anyway, I have toys galore.  Just the other day, we counted 27 of my favourite little balls in our itty-bitty apartment!  You should see it.  They’re all over the place.  My favourite part of playing ball is getting mom to do all the running around while I lie in wait for the little lovelies to come to me.  She’s on to me now but it sure took her a long time to figure out that something was wrong with that picture.  Silly human bean!   





Well, I’ve nattered on way too long so meow for now.   

(Hmmm … I wonder what Atticus is up to.  Prrrr ... )






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