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We adopted Annie August 19th 2010.  We found Annie in an ad in the Ottawa Citizen and when we took one look at Annie, we fell in love.  We asked our kids if they wanted to look for a puppy from a breeder and they said that they preferred giving an animal at SPCA a home as they needed a nice home too.




When we got Annie home she had a lot of GI upsets, nausea and diarrhea.  We were starting to get pretty worried when she had a lot of blood in her diarrhea.  We took her to our local vet and she got examined and then they gave us two types of medication to treat her with.  She was eating very little at first but then she rebounded wonderfully.  My kids were really happy that they adopted Annie at this point as they knew Annie really needed us.



Annie adjusted to our older farm dog Max, who is 12 years old and has a lot of arthritis.  If he doesn't get any exercise, he limps and moves pretty slow.  Annie is his physiotherapist and gets him moving in the morning.  We also have two indoor cats that needed some time to get used to Annie.  Annie would try to chase the cats and we trained her very quickly that the cats don't like being chased.  Annie now ignores them and they ignore her :) 

Annie was a very easy dog to train, she is a good listener and is a major people pleaser.  We have three kids and they have been very consistent to train her and she comes when she is called, sits, stays, shakes her paws and retrieves anything and everything.  We are very amazed at how smart Annie is and we are still teaching her things. 

Annie had a great first Christmas, she attended different houses on Christmas Day and everyone was very impressed at how well-behaved she is.  She now weighs about 60lbs and she is only 6 months old, so we think she may be a big girl.  Her mother was at the shelter when we adopted her and they said she was 70lbs.  Well, I guess with all the love and TLC Annie has received, she may just extend her growth :)  

Thanks to the SPCA in Aylmer for letting us adopt such a wonderful pup!



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