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The first night went well.  Annie managed to pee and poop outside last
night and this morning she had used the pee pad before we got up.  We only
had one accident last night and that was my fault because I did not stop what I was doing right away and she squatted before I got to her.  Shame on
me!  She is a very quiet puppy although she does have a temper.  She was not happy to have to stay in the kitchen last night but quickly settled when I
put the radio on and put her in her crate (although I left the door open).  She got the message and settled right down.

It was really funny because she was so mad she grabbed the edge of the
plastic bag in the recycle garbage can and pulled it over just to let me know she was angry.  That's alright, we picked it back up but did not give in to her tantrum.

Apart from that she has been a delight.  She has come out of her shell a bit and chases balls and investigates each corner of the house.  She also chases leaves and romps around in the grass when outside.  She is good on the leash and has quickly learned to run up the stairs and wait at the door when we are coming in.  She is quite bright!  She does know her name and she comes when you call her.

I will keep you informed of what the vet says but for now all is well.

Thank You,

Betty and Fred and "Annie"



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