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We left the SPCA on July 2nd ... it took one walk outside the shelter to know that Aspen was THE dog for us.  It was a fairly long drive from Aylmer to Merrickville but he was relaxed and didn't even bark once.  We have since taken him on numerous car rides and he totally enjoys them.  He jumps right in without prompting and just lays down on the floor (his preferred spot).



He fit right in the moment we arrived home and let him out of the truck.  Our daughter gave him about ten walks around the house/forest on his first day, haha.  She also loves taking him to her soccer games.  Aspen is a wonderful dog, gentle, calm, quiet ... and has found a new best friend in her (and vice versa). 




We don’t know much about Aspen’s past but someone trained him well (either that or he’s gifted).  He responds to the following commands:  sit, lay down, give the paw and up (he stands on his hind legs) … all of which are pretty impressive moves in the eyes of a 6 year old girl pretending to be a dog trainer!  She loves when he does tricks, and Aspen has been humouring her daily.  In return she indulges him with little treats.  They have quite the mutually beneficial arrangement going!



Coming from Iqaluit, Aspen has had LOTS of undercoat to shed (an understatement) in the hot weather that we’ve been having this summer!  As a gift, our friends gave us what they consider to be the best grooming tool going (amazing tool), and we've been brushing Aspen daily.  What a difference it's made in his coat, so not only is he a well-mannered dog, he is very handsome.




I've attached a couple of photos taken this week to show you how comfortable and happy he is in his new forever home.

Kind regards and thanks again,




Update October '12

Aspen just wanted to say a quick hello and thank you once again.

The first photo is on the back trail of "his" territory ... he has a beautiful playground. 






The second picture is on his favorite walking road with his best friend; they were picking fall flowers together.

:)  Marilyn





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