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Austin is doing great.  He's a very smart and sweet guy.  Even though I don't totally know what I am doing yet (I start training with him on Monday), he is very responsive.  Since I have to be at the office all day, I hired a dog walker for mid-day to take him out, and I walk him morning and evening. 




I noticed some odd behaviour coming up in him and was not hearing good things about the dog park where he was being taken, so I immediately changed to another dog walker who takes him for an hour long off-leash walk in the country each day.  Immediately he was a happier and more energized guy, and all the odd behaviour quickly went away.  It really taught me how sensitive animals are and how we have to pay attention to changes in their behaviour and respond.


He's getting along very well with the cat and after only a few weeks I no longer needed to crate him.  He's still learning why the cat can go on furniture and he can't, but he is not destructive to the furniture or the house and he is fully house trained.

He's quiet and only barks when there is a threat or I ramp him up with some fun play.  He sleeps by my bed (and basically follows me everywhere).


I'm really looking forward to the training with him because it will just further bond us.  He's a beautiful dog and I hope his siblings now have found happy homes.

Thanks for all your wonderful services and kindness to the animals.





Update December ’11 … 

I have sent some pics of my dear Aussie.  He is awesome and we are really bonded.  He and the cat are getting bonded now too and they play together.

I discovered that he is not a Golden Lab - he is a Catahoula Hound!  This explains a lot about his personality.  He needs a lot of exercise (at least an hour a day of running). 



He remains a calm dog when he is indoors - playful but not destructive - and a little skittish outside.  He loves other dogs and is a bit wary of people but increasingly confident.  He is a bit headstrong (moreso than a nice, pliable lab!) so he takes a bit more work in the training department, but he is obedient enough and we understand each other. 




He is very responsive.  He's a sensitive dog.  Very smart too.  And protective of me and our home.  He is also very brave.  (He put himself between me and a huge husky that was too rough, making sure that the husky couldn't get at me, even though he was scared of the husky himself - what a dear he is!) 






I have a phenomenal dog walker who takes Aussie on long off-leash pack walks in the country each day (Monday to Friday) and I take him on walks morning and evening.  So I think he has a pretty nice life.





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