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I adopted “Poupoune” a little over a month ago and I am more than happy to have her as my companion.  I got started on changing her name almost immediately and she took to it very quickly.  Her new name is “Autumn”.

This pup is very affectionate and playful.  The SPCA was right when they said she had a lot of energy.  She can get so hyped up in an instant and run around in circles willing to play with you for a good while.  She is a quick sprinter and keeping up with her is hard work but so much fun.

She is terrible with toys and I mean this in the nicest way possible.  She will tear through something in a day because she is so excited.  She could play tug of war for hours if it didn’t tire you out.  Autumn also loves to play fetch.  She’ll return the object to you only to tease you and make you chase her until you manage to finally grab it from her.

Whenever you are resting she takes the hint and will lie with you for however long you need.  She is always willing to go to bed and cuddle with you.

I would have to say her favourite pastime is probably going for walks.  As soon as she sees the yellow leash she goes wild.  She’ll jump up to you and run around you and speed to the door all in the effort to make you move faster.  Once we hit the road she is nearly choking herself trying to get ahead and experience everything around her.

We have also come to know Autumn’s type, silent but deadly.  This girl has to be the gassiest pup I have ever known.  She takes it in stride however, never seeming to notice her own toxic stench.  She can clear a room and will follow you out, not because she’s noticed but because she loves to have company.

No matter how much she smells we will always love her.  I would like to thank the SPCA for all their hard work and kindness towards all the animals they take care of on a daily basis.  It is nice to know there are such caring people in this world!

Update March ’11 …

Autumn is a great little dog, very energetic and always ready to play.  I've never seen a little dog run so fast, and neither have most of our friends.  She just gets into these mad sprints sometimes around the yard, it's incredible.

She is a little apprehensive when she is in contact with other dogs and she definitely doesn't like animals that are bigger than her, but she is getting better with it.

I am extremely grateful to have adopted Autumn and I think she is equally as happy.

The attached picture is of Autumn in her winter gear.  It was a little sweater, hat and boots that we bought for her.  She never liked the boots and ended up chewing on them rather than wearing them, but she does like to be in a sweater on a particularly cold day.

Thank you very much for your interest,




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