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My girlfriend Daisy and I already had two short-haired tabby cats, one a male with a grey Bengal-style pattern and a female tortoise-shell, both about a year old.  We had both wanted another cat but our apartment was too small for another addition so we held out for a time and once we'd gotten settled in and we were sure the cats were happy with the place, we
decided to start our search for a new addition to our household. 



We eventually came upon Avalanche, which was a perfect fit for the colouring we wanted - a cat much like our male, Button, but with an orange pattern, unlike his grey.  When we picked him, he was a little under the weather, so we had to wait for him to come around before we could adopt him.  Thankfully, that didn't take very long and we showed up to the WQSPCA as soon as we got word that he was doing better.  Bringing him home was a breeze, he was very calm and happy, even when showing him to our cats, Button and Eva.  They, however, were less than excited to see him right away. 


Daisy was there with them while I was at work and she introduced them through the carrier at first, which was a slightly tense experience.  Button took better to Avalanche with time but Eva was still very tense and would hide and be very aggressive if one of us tried to get her to come out of her hiding spots.  On the first night, she continued to hide from Avalanche but over the course of the night, Button and Avalanche established a pecking order and, quite quickly, started playing together, albeit roughly. 


On the second day, we left them to do their own thing with as little interference as possible, and this was the time when Eva started coming around.  Up until tonight, the second night, she's still very reserved and keeping her distance, hissing when Avalanche comes too close for her liking, but she's not taken it out on Button or Avalanche so far, and it would seem that she's warming up to the situation, if not a little slowly.  As of tonight, night two, things have been going smoother than ever.  Avalanche is getting braver, Eva is getting braver too, and Button is playing with Avalanche. 

Considering the circumstances, I'd say things are going very well.  Thank you guys for giving us the third greatest little ball of fur in our lives.  We will be sure to give you updates as we go along.



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