Bailey and Jake are
our beloved dogs who make our house "home". My husband and I
bought our first home in Feb 2002 and the top of the list of things to
do when we moved in was to adopt a dog. We moved in at the end of
June and adopted Bailey the beginning of July. We wanted a dog that
would be good with children since we were planning on a family and
Bailey being a Golden Retriever was perfect. We knew he was a good
fit from the start. When my husband brought him home in the car,
Bailey sat in the front seat and put his head on Dave's lap while they

When we had our
daughter in Feb 2005, there was Bailey....not jealous at all but more
protective then anything. Second baby came in Aug 2006 and same
thing....protective and would want to cuddle with them all the time.
We decided to move to a larger home with more property and I thought
"Why not give another dog a happy home since we will have the space"
and a playmate for Bailey, since the kids just don't cut it all the
time. Well, we moved end of Nov 2007 and along came Jake early Dec
2007. What a fit!

We brought both
kids and Bailey to the shelter to make sure that Jake would mix well
with them. We weren't quite sure at first since Jake was in his crate
when we first saw him and he seemed a little aggressive. One thing I
have learned is ALWAYS give a dog a chance! We met him outside
of his crate and he was a different dog completely! He was
friendly and playful......in short, he was awesome! He was great with
my kids and him and Bailey played with each other.

So that was it. We
brought Jake home and have been a happy family ever since.
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