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Hello everyone,

I am so pleased to tell you that now I am a good girl.  I can sleep at night without supervision.  I am good with the cats.  I still have to learn to stay calm when friends or family members are coming to visit.  They find me a little too protective of my new home and family.  It is just at the beginning.  After a moment, I want to be cuddled. 




It is fun here.  I have a lot of room to play.  I enjoy doing snowshoes with the family.  My new mom tells me that I am intelligent and cute with my little dark brown eyes and my expressive funny face.

Thinking of you,




Update March '09 ...

I just wanted to send you a few new pictures of Becca that we took this weekend.  She looks so nice in these pictures.  She seems confident looking toward the future.

Belzébuth and Johncoon (the cats) can now share the same space with her.

Becca feels so grateful to all her angels at the SPCA who took care of her for the time that was needed to find her own family.



Update September ‘09 ...

Hello everyone,

I take a moment to give you some news and send you some pictures.  I spent a wonderful summer.  I am so lucky.  I live in front of a lake so I went swimming every day.



My mom brought me to agility classes in Wakefield because she was sure that I have the ability.  My dog trainer told my classmates that I was the dog who improved the most.  And now I go to obedience classes.  I am proud of me.

I will always be grateful for your love and your patience.  You will always be my angels.

Becca  XXX



Update July ’12 …

We adopted Becca in 2009, she is five now.  She has a little bit of a hip problem and she is on metacam for that.  This winter she had 2 abscesses just above her right eye and we do not know the reason.  In 2011, we adopted a
St. Bernard from Paws R Us (saisie).  He is blind, 7 years old and was in a poor condition.  So, we have an old team of St. Bernards (8, 7, 5, & 5).

This picture was taken in June 2012.  Where is Becca?  HI!

Continue your good work and have a good day.


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