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Bella .... alias Jazz .... has been with us for one week now and she is just amazing.  On that Friday, she travelled with us by car from West Quebec SPCA to Pincourt and slept the whole way!  So cute.  We are so blessed to have her.  She is doing very good. 




Little Bella is such an easy girl ... she eats well and sleeps in a cage ... not any cage .... a big Labrador cage ... nothing is too good for my sweet little Bella.  She always asks for the door to do her stuff outside .... I still can't believe that she didn't do anything in her cage.  I guess she feels like a big dog :)  We have taught her to sit and stay.  We are so so happy. 




Jack (our 15 pound Maltese) is happy to have a friend.  Same for our cat Tom.  They get along so good together.

We want to thank the SPCA West Quebec for being there for all those animals.  They are angels!  If only people would adopt them in a shelter instead of a pet store.  They all deserve a second chance.  Like I say all the time .... people volunteering in an animal shelter have hearts as big as a cloudless sky.

Love Chantal, Francois, Jack, Bella and Tom




Update December '12

Here is an update on Bella (alias Jazz).  What a wonderful little girl.  She is almost 7 months old (Dec 15th).  Time flies!  I still remember the first time we got her at the SPCA.  It was a memorable moment. 







We are so blessed to have the three of them.  Bella just loves to play in the snow with Jack .... let's say he is her Prince Charming :)  They bring so much joy to my life.






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