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Just a note to let you know we are so pleased with Daisy.  We have renamed her Bella.  She seems to have settled in quite well.  She slept all night on her new big pillow bed, no accidents.  She did her business on her walk before bedtime.  Today she has been in & out of the yard & playing with the girls & getting to know her surroundings.





She is very lovable & kisses us lots & loves biting my hands & my youngest, Sabrina.  She is very alert.  She has also taken to sleeping on my daughter's toy dog bed from Ikea even though she has a very comfy bed of her own.  She enjoys cuddling & going out for her walks. 

So she is keeping us busy but what a good way to finish the summer for the girls before school starts.  Well, that is all for now, we will let you know how it's going.  Keep up your good work & many thanks.




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