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Just an update on Belle, just back from the groomers as well; she is down to 1/2 a prednisone every 4 days.  All is well; here she is with her sister Katie the Shih Tzu, and her 2 cousins, Nikki (Cinnamon Chow) and Skye (Blue Chow).




Update April ’10 … 

Here is an update on Belle; this is a picture of her at her 4th birthday party (combined for her and her 2 legged cousin and her uncle).  She has been off the prednisone for 33 days now and has had chicken for
supper as a test to see if there was a reaction - everything was fine.

She enjoys her walks every day; if she sees you putting on your shoes she gets very excited.  As well, she likes to bask in the sun in the backyard and she enjoys her bed and does not like to be disturbed in the morning until she is good and ready.  Her nickname is Belly bop bop as she does belly dancing (not sure what that's about) - she is a great addition to our family.

Thanks to everyone at the SPCA for bringing her into our life (would not have her if it were not for your great work).


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