I just
wanted to say: thank you, thank you, thank you! We took
Belle (formerly known as Cookie) home on Saturday Sept 3rd, 2011.
Though it's only been a short time, she's fit into our home and family
life like she'd always lived with us. As soon as we took her out
of the shelter, her demeanor changed; it's like she knew she was going
to her forever home.
climbed into the car and happily looked out the window while we made
the quick trip to our house. We showed her the house and where
her 'bed' would be, a bright red pillow. She took to it
immediately. We gave her a rawhide and she started to chew on
it. Our 10 month old daughter went right up to her (with us
watching closely) and put her hand on Belle's face and the dog didn't
budge. Awesome, we thought. That night, while my husband
and I were watching a movie, she climbed up on the sofa, with our ok,
and she cuddled with us, laying her head down on our lap for the
entire 2 hour movie.
loves to play with her brother, Seven, and will cuddle with our 10
month old daughter. She is coming out of her shell more and more
and I could not imagine not having brought her home. As you'll
see from the pictures, she loves spending time out in the sun on our
deck. She is starting to come to understand her name and is
starting to get basic commands. We found out she was actually
French as she responds to 'assis' when we tell her to. I know
that in no time at all she will understand all the commands we use in
our daily routine.
She is
a great, loving dog. No clue why someone would give her up nor
pass her up in the shelter. We could not have asked for a better
dog. Again, I thank you for introducing her to us.
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