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We adopted Belle (your Rita) on Dec. 23 2013.  She had adapted quite well into our home and she loves her kitty condo and the heat from the fireplace.  Although she was not a Christmas gift, she was the most wonderful present under the tree. 






Thank you for taking care of her until she found her forever home.  We love the welcome we receive when we come home and all the cuddles too.  She is a wonderful addition to our family. 





Update December '14

Good evening.  I just wanted to touch base with you all.  It has been almost 1 yr since we adopted our Belle (your Rita), a Russian blue mix kitten.  She was sick right after we got her home and that was over
Christmas. You may recall all my frantic emails and phone calls.  Well, Belle has done very well since that crisis and we just want to let you know she has brought us much happiness and love.  I trust she knows how much she is loved by us.  We have so many laughs over her little antics, and she is a very social cat.  Loves to sit on our laps and welcomes anyone who comes into our home. 




I have sent some pictures of her.  One is her looking out of our picture window on her kitty condo, watching the wild turkeys roaming in our yard and one where she is in a cupboard.  Leave the door open and she will explore.  Again, we are so happy with her and are really glad we adopted her. 






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