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We picked up Jeremy recently and he quickly adapted to his new home.  He is full of energy, loves to play and has a good character. 






We changed his name to Benjy since he is part Bengal.  He has been updated on his vaccines.  Here are a couple of photos of Benjy relaxing on the sofa.







Benjy likes to peek in the grocery bags when we come home from shopping.





He loves to catch the play mouse attached to his scratch post and he goes ballistic.





Here is another one of Benjy having a snooze on the couch.  Notice the way Benjy is stretched out to sleep.  This is very common of Bengal cats, I am told.  Since Benjy is part Bengal, he is showing Bengal-type behaviour such as this.  He also makes chirping sounds when communicating.  He is a very happy cat.





Update July '11 ...

Here are 2 more pictures.  Benjy is now a little over 5 months old and weighs 6 pounds.

Francine and René














Update October ’11 …

Benjy loves to sunbathe near the patio door.






Benjy likes to climb and chairs are no exceptions.  Here, he is watching what is cooking from his view on top of a chair.







Benjy is now around 9 months old and he weighs about 10 pounds.  We now can see more clearly his long body and bengal markings.  Remember he his half Bengal and half tabby.





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