I am finally
getting the time to let you know how well Bentley is doing. We
changed his name from Berkley to Bentley. He is an extremely
happy boy. During the day when I am at school, he spends his time
with his feline brother Rudi. Bentley and Rudi will often lie
together on the same bed, although they each have their own. At
night, however, they both sleep with me in my bed.

Bentley loves going to the dog park and playing with all the dogs in
the neighbourhood. He now knows how to play fetch! When we are at
home, he follows me everywhere and is happiest when I sit on the couch
and hold him like a baby.

Everyone loves
Bentley and he has changed our lives for the better. I couldn't
possibly love him anymore than I do. He is my baby and I could not
imagine my life without him.

Thanks for giving
us such an amazing creature.
Danielle O.
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