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In April 2009, I adopted a cat named Bernard, formerly known as Renard and he was Theia's brother (http://www.aylmer-hull-spca.qc.ca/theia.html).  I am sad to read that Theia passed away.  My heart goes out to Jennifer for her loss.

He is the most adorable Bobtail cat ever seen.  He is very good with dogs but quite mean with other cats and very protective of his territory.  When my neighbour Lou comes to visit me, she always brings Maggie, a beautiful little Scottish terrier (http://www.aylmer-hull-spca.qc.ca/maggie1.html) and of course they fell in love.  They are the best of friends today; she even eats his food and that is fine with him.


Bernard has a "want to be a dog" personality.  When I call him, he comes over immediately, quite unusual for a feline.  Because of his Bobtail breed, he is a high jumper with a huge set of whiskers which I call "wish-kiss".  He never goes outside except for one time when he risked a look (see picture) on the upper balcony and ran inside as it felt strange to him all this fresh air ...



I love Bernard and truly enjoy his company and I wish to express my sincere "Thank You" to the Aylmer SPCA staff, for their loving care they give to all the animals that end up in their shelter.

Keep up the good work!

Lyne and Bernard, the happy cat prrrrrrr...




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