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Blitzen is fine, even after the train ride to Toronto yesterday.  He's settling
in and had his first trip to the dog park today.  I'm amazed how disciplined he is.  Our veteranarian friend just gave him a checkup and he's all clear.






I've attached some photos of Bentley aka Blitzen aka Blitz (as he's quickly becoming known).

Thanks for all your help!














Update January '13

He's doing great.

Everyone's pretty amazed with his calm and gentle disposition.  He runs like mad about 2 hours a day at the dog parks and the family seems to fight over who gets to dogsit him if we ever decide to take a trip. 





We figured out after some experimentation that his diarrhea was wheat intolerance and he's perfectly fine now that he's on a grain-free diet.  He's not a fan of being left alone and lies at the door for hours waiting for our return (we have a camera setup to watch him) but he doesn't make a sound so long as we don't try kenneling him. 







So far we feel super lucky to have chosen him.  He's lots of fun and we have to consider ourselves fortunate when his most challenging issue is that he's too affectionate
and attached.















Update December '13

Happy holidays from Blitzen and family.  It's been a year now and he's changed all of our lives.  Thanks again for all your help!




















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