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Just thought I'd send you a quick note to let you know that we got here safely, although I'm not quite sure where here is!  We arrived late, almost midnight, and I enjoyed the walk into my new home.  There were many things to see and sniff and Karen is a slow walker so I gave her a hand by pulling with the harness.  Somehow, I knew where I was going and I was glad to tour the property and home when I got there. 

They have a nice dog bed for me and a crate with a second bed.  I prefer the large one where they sleep.  The little scratch they call Felix is very fiesty and although I would like to play, he is afraid of me.  I have been practising my sit, lie down and come responses and already I feel that I'm making progress.  There is a strange window here within which I can see a white husky; I can't smell her though and when I go around the window the dog is no longer there!  Very strange. 

I still have diarrhea and Claude and Karen have been giving me rice and salmon in addition to my kibble.  Of course, they give me treats and already I have been out for four walks this morning.  I have attached a photo of me on our trip and one of the large bed that I prefer although it is a bit warm up in the loft level.  Hope you guys are well and call me if you have any questions.







Update January '14

Blizzard has been completely off-leash for two weeks now and only strayed once to the neighbor that I introduced her to.  She loves her walks and runs!  Yesterday I left her loose and alone in the house with Felix while I picked up Karen across the lake.  No problems whatsoever!  I have attached a few photos of her on the lake with me, (2x) running free and one of her relaxing in the late afternoon sun.  She loves the outdoors and her runs.  Hope you are well.



























Update December '14

Blizzard has been with us for a year now so I guess it's report card time. Here goes:

1) She had very little house training. She does not like being alone in the car or house for any extended period of time.

2) Blizzard seems to love the taste of our seat belts, front and back as well as one armrest and anything else that is close at hand. Cost of car repairs: over $2,000 including a dog partition which did not work.

3)  At first, she liked to chew bed sheets, mattress covers, underwear, furniture in general and so on. Est. cost: $250 - not too bad for a puppy!

4) Blizzard discovered porcupines early on and that earned her an express trip to the emergency vet in Barrie since it was the weekend. Cost: $550.

5) Blizzard likes to wander and we have met over two dozen other cottage owners over the summer. Most love Blizzard and I'm sure many of them would adopt her in a flash - except for the wandering. We now have a radio collar on her so we can track her down from time to time. Cost: $300.

6) When her boyfriend, Hero, is at the lake she often pulls all-nighters so we are sometimes a little cranky in the morning but always very relieved that she's home and safe.

7) She enjoys chewing boat fenders, water toys, coolers, Tupperware containers (size not important) and water bottles. Est. cost: $300.

8) She is very independent and strong willed but she is very insecure when she sees that we are leaving to go out, even if just for a moment.

9) She loves cooler weather and her very thick and now silky fur make her ideally adapted to our climate.

10) Blizzard gets along very well with Felix our cat and Groseille, my daughter's cat.  She likes to play a little roughly but she responds very well to the "gentle" command.

11) Blizzard loves her cuddles morning, day and night and she loves our "gnarly" fake wrestling matches.

12) Blizzard is a kleptomaniac who will steal the following from us and our neighbours: food (her favorite), stuffed toys (next in line), rags, tarpaulins etc. In short, anything that is not nailed down.

Overall, Blizzard is a wonderful companion who is very intelligent, communicates vocally (but doesn't really bark) and is very friendly to people, especially small children. Blizzard's strong personality and sense of self and independence (wandering, etc.) would not be a good fit for everyone but she stole our hearts from the beginning and we love her.

Have a Merry Xmas and all the best for the New Year!

Claude and Karen
and Blizzard & Felix of course!



Update October '15

We adopted Blizzard December 2013 and she is doing well. I am attaching a photo of Blizzard taken as I type this; will send an update and more photos as Xmas approaches. Best regards from Karen and me.

Note that it is hunting season and Blizzard is wearing what's left of her vest.




Update December '15

Just a few words to let you know how Blizzard (The Blizz) is doing. In short, better than ever! She has become really good with Felix and they both like to play, that is until Blizz gets too rambunctious at which point Felix seeks higher ground. She no longer steals food off the counter and learns really quickly. We think she has finally started deepening her idea of home as compared to community. She almost always comes home at night from her wandering and is well-liked by almost everyone.

Where at the beginning she gobbled all her food she has become very picky about what she eats and will hold out for treats before eating her kibble. She is still very much a puppy and loves to play and wrestle. Overall she is a wonderful companion when she is around. With the warm weather we've had, she has started shedding again although I expect that will end once the cold weather sets in.

I have attached a recent picture of her while she was at the Happy Tails daycare last week. The owner, Lisa Brooks, is very good and you can see more pictures of Blizzard playing with Tank, a German Shepherd.

Have a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

























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