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My fiancée and I adopted Boshi almost two weeks ago and he has made
considerable progress.  He walks amazingly on a leash with a few
corrections; he finished his medication without complaints; and he has had
no accidents in the house.  We are having a bit of difficulty with
separation anxiety but he is doing better.  Bodi (his new name, which
means "to be enlightened") has gained a bit of weight and his coat is
looking better every day.


We shower him with love but we balance it with exercise and discipline (thank you Dog Whisperer).  We just returned from a 1 week trip with Bodi, during which he met tons of people and a few dogs.  He is such a social butterfly.  My fiancée and I cannot get over how happy and calm he is, considering his past.

We are so grateful to Jennifer and the rest of the staff at the SPCA for bringing Bodi into our lives.  I have attached a few pictures of Bodi and we will continue to update you on his progress. 



Update July ‘09 ... 

We have had Bodi (a.k.a. Boshi) for about 1 month now and he is still making progress.  He has had a few accidents in the house but nothing major.  He is going through many chew toys ... and non-toys as well, he he.  We are trying to be consistent in his training and we are seeing improvements already:  He cries less and less when we crate him, he sits and "shakes a paw" without treats, and he doesn't get as anxious when we leave him alone or leave the room. 



We are looking forward to even more progress but we remain patient.   

We hope to bring Bodi by the shelter soon so you can see the changes and for him to socialize a bit with other dogs (much needed)

David & Melanie


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