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After the story in the Apr 3rd 09 issue of the Ottawa Citizen about the SPCA (and other shelters) being overrun with dogs, and asking adopters for help, we made the decision to adopt a 2nd dog from the shelter.  Our first dog was Sadie (the dog with a heart defect) and now little Boomer, a Lab – he had a double hernia, and was dropped off by the breeder.  After the surgery to repair the defect, he’s as good as new.


He has adjusted well to his new home, he and Sadie are best buddies; she’s delighted that Boomie likes to chase her around.  As a Lab Retriever, he needs to work on the retrieving and water play though!

He’s suitably spoiled and enjoying every minute of it.

Thank you once again to the caring staff and volunteers who took such care of Boomer until we adopted him - he will continue to visit.


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