Boots is doing great. We finally figured out a way to get him to eat
his food. We had to mix it with some yogurt. Now he eats it all
right away.
As promised, here are some pictures. The first one (Home) is a
picture of where Boots now lives. This is just a small part of the
overall property but it gives you an idea of the amount of space that
he has to run around in.

The nect picture shows Boots in his favorite position (wathcing the
world go by). He will sit on his pillow and stare out the window for
hours and hours.

The next picture (Georgie) is a picture of his little "indoor"
playmate. Georgie is still a little nervous around Boots (he is
a BIG "beast") but he is coming around.

The last picture shows Boots's outdoor friends. These are our 2
horses and we still have to monitor Boots with them very carefully.
He has already found out what the electric fence does (he got a good
zap on his nose).
Anyway, Boots is adapting quite nicely and I'll send some more photos
when I get a chance.
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