I adopted an 11 month old Border
Collie/Husky/Shepherd Mix from you over 2 months ago. Her name
was Phoebe at the time. When I met her she was very crazy but I
fell in love with her instantly.
Her name is Brie. From day 1 she didn't mind the change.

Brie is doing very well. She loves
running, swimming and playing with other dogs. She also loves
going shopping to buy treats. She is very spoiled. She
goes to dog parks everyday and enjoys the trails. She plays a
lot with my brothers dog Lola.

Currently she is doing basic training
level 1 at the Ottawa Canine School. I hope to enroll her in
agility shortly.
She is very loving, a huge cuddler. She believes she is small
since she always goes on my lap when I'm sitting. She is the
most high energy dog I've ever had. But with much running and
playing she is pretty calm.

After digging a big hole at Bruce Pit, she is tired.
Thank you so much for bringing her from Nunavut.
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