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To all the employees and volunteers at the SPCA of Western Quebec, thank
you so very much for looking after Brixton for me.  I adopted Brixton September 27th, he was known as Jackson.  He is an amazing dog and great with my three cats.  I love Brixton to bits.

Brixton and I are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Thank you for taking such great care of him until he came into my life and home.  After my other shepherd Jersey died, there was a big hole in my life and home.  I love my cats but it just was not the same.  Brixton has filled that hole.  I still miss my beloved Jersey every day but Brixton puts a smile and love back into my life.  He is funny, goofy, smart, healthy and loves attention.  He has many doggie friends that he loves to play with and walk with.  One of his great pals Gilligan was adopted at the same SPCA, Gilligan was known as Teddy (Cocker Spaniel). Brixton has amazing re-call and checks to see if I am in the area whilst he explores.

Brixton loves to go on long hikes and walks in the forests around Ottawa.  He is such  an outgoing, loving dog.  He is constantly told how beautiful he is by everyone.  And he still manages to keep his ego in check :) He enjoys learning and is very bright and clever.  He loves playing with the cats though sometimes they don't always want to play but they love him, clean him and sleep with him.  He knows when I am getting ready to read in bed as he jumps into bed before me so he can have most of the bed.
The cats join us as well.  A full bed needless to say.

Brixton loves stuffed toys as he likes to take the eyes out first then the stuffing in the body and finally decapitate the head and the stuffing in the head.  He enjoys this so much.  He loves all his toys as well but tearing apart stuffed toys is probably his favourite.

Brixton is rather spoiled as he enjoys sleeping with me and loves to sleep on the pillow beside me with his paw touching me.  He is simply adorable and I love him.  I have been blessed to have him come into my life.

I have met tons of people who have adopted from the SPCA of Western Quebec and each of them have only good things to say and I am amongst those people.  Michelle was wonderful in helping me with Brixton.  I only have admiration and respect for the people who work there.  The animals love them and remember them with fondness.

Thank you for letting me have Brixton come into my life.  It just would not be the same without him.



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