I wanted to send a quick email to give you guys an update about Brook.
I hope this is the right email. I adopted Brook the black fluffy cat a
few weeks ago, and she's been settling in well. She spent the first
few days living mostly in a quiet spare room where we had all her
things set up. She slowly became more brave and could come stand in
the hallway when no one was around. She got more relaxed, especially
at night when we were sleeping and had the other cat and dog locked in
with us, and we could hear her exploring our huge 5 bedroom house. It
must have been overwhelming for her! Eventually we introduced her to
the other pets and we were very surprised how little she cared about
our dog. She had a couple of small fights with our cat, but he is a
pretty laid back guy and they weren't bad. She is pretty hard to scare
and I'm surprised how much she doesn't even really care about the baby
squealing at her.
The other day, I realized I hadn't seen her all afternoon so I went
looking for her. We searched the whole house, cupboards and closets
and everywhere else, and couldn't find her. I thought she might have
slipped outside when I was bringing the stroller in so I searched the
neighborhood. After two hours we gave up and I made a sign to put on
the road. We had dinner and were watching a movie when she sauntered
in. She has a hiding place somewhere, and I have no idea where it is.
She seems happier every day, and as I hoped, she and the other cat are
friends. I can hear them right now thundering around downstairs
chasing each other. She sure likes to chase him around, you guys must
have played with her a lot! They will be good company for each other
while we are away for Christmas. She's not really very affectionate
but I don't mind. We are slowly trying to cut out her knots but she
hates being brushed. Hopefully we can work on that.
Anyway, I think she will be very happy with us and we already love
her. I wouldn't normally send an update like this but I thought you
guys would be interested since she'd been there so long. It must be
hard for them to go and you never hear about them again! Good luck
finding the other black cats homes. Now you don't have to worry about
the grumpy one anymore!
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