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We adopted Buddy approximately 4 months ago and he has become a very important part of our family.  Everyone loves him dearly (except our two cats, of course).  Our granddaughter who is 8 years old loves him unconditionally.  When she is here, he follows her everywhere.

He is walked twice a day, in the morning by me and in the evening by my husband.  With the kind of summer we have had with so much rain, some days it is tricky but we still make sure he gets his walks regardless of weather.  Like this morning for example, halfway through our walk the skies opened up and we got soaking wet.  We didn't mind and just kept going.  Some people going to work gave us strange looks. 

Buddy is almost 8 months old and he is growing every day - he is already 16 pounds. 

As I said previously, we all love Buddy and he has fit into our family wonderfully.

Update October '09 ...

As you can see from the attached picture, Buddy is quite comfortable in his new home.  He gets two walks a day and he enjoys them immensely.  He especially likes to chase squirrels – although he is not very good at catching them.

We try to socialize him with other dogs that we meet in the park.  He has some favourite friends that he likes to play with – 'Adolph' the poodle is one of them.

We would like to thank the society for their help in the adoption process.  Buddy is an excellent addition to our family.

He weighs about twenty pounds now and we don't think he is fully grown.

Our two cats are not very fond of Buddy but we are still hopeful that this will change.



Update February ’11 …

Here is a picture of Buddy on one of his many walks with my husband.  He loves his walks - it doesn't matter how cold it is or how much snow is out there.

He has not one but two coats that he wears and sometimes he even wears his boots but he can't get much traction with those boots on.  He is a happy, healthy dog and has fit into our home beautifully, although our two cats probably wouldn't agree with this statement.  I can't believe we have had him almost two years now.  He became a part of our family at the beginning of April, 2009.  Our last dog, who passed away when he was sixteen years old, was definitely my dog but Buddy is certainly my husband Ron's dog.  He never leaves Ron's side.  It is a great friendship for both of them. 

Just thought I would update you on Buddy's progress.  I often wonder how his mother Suzie is doing as she was there the day we adopted Buddy.  Many people were interested in Buddy and I had decided if we were not fortunate enough to get Buddy that we would have tried to adopt Suzie.



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