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My husband came home with Barney (we call him Buddy) about an hour ago.  He and Bagel seem to be getting along just fine.  They wrestled for about a half hour but are settling down nicely now.  I am surprised he hadn't been adopted before today and that he is four years old.  He and Bagel act as if they are litter mates.





He is doing very well and looking a little less skinny.  He sleeps well, plays with Bagel often and has shown no signs of stress or unhappiness.  The kids love to snuggle with him and take him for walks.  When he was with you, did he bark at all?  Besides the odd groan, burp and
growl (he didn't want to give up a bone) he hasn't made much noise.  I don't think he's barked or howled once since he's been here.

Thank you for Buddy.




Update February ‘13

Buddy (Barney) is doing well.  Bagel loves him and they play and walk really well together.  He is starting to get used to his name and has started to go to the door to go out.  Buddy is still skinny and has food "issues" but we have treated him (and Bagel) for giardia and are putting his food down on a cookie sheet, which seems to help.

Here they are on a particularly cold evening.



Update October '13

Here is a picture of Buddy/Barney (left), adopted Dec. 31, 2012 and Bagel (right), adopted as a puppy Sept. 14, 2010).  They are best friends and wrestle and play like littermates.  In this picture their tongues are hanging out because they'd just had a romp and a tussle. 

Buddy had a lot of tummy issues but in July we found a kibble for sensitive tummies and he's been 100% ever since.  He is still a real clown and acts all tough around other dogs but Bagel keeps him in line and shows him how to behave.


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