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So nice to hear from you.  Brownie, who is now "Buddy Boy", seems to be very happy that he has found his forever home.  He is such an amazing boy and we feel so fortunate that we found each other!  To be honest, we went in to have a look at Maverick & Jugus, but after meeting "Brownie", our hearts melted.  It is hard to believe that he was at the shelter for so long!  Buddy has settled in very well and seems to love his new pack.  We have taken him on lots of long walks in the woods, and he loves it!  We figured out how much he likes to play ball, but his new sister, Gloria, gives him a run for his money!  Gloria has made it known that she is Queen Bee, and Buddy seems to be respecting that nicely.  They play very well together and he seems to respect her "authority".  As for our cat, Jessie, he is curious but respectful.  Jessie likes to sniff him every once in awhile, but she likes to keep a close distance, watching everything.  It is so obvious that everyone in Buddy's life prior to coming into ours loved him dearly.  He is such a sweet, very well mannered dog who listens so well.  Thanks to you and everyone at the shelter for taking such good care of him.  It was a pleasure dealing with everyone there!


Notice Buddy's new bed & who is in it!  She lets him share it when he is so inclined!









Here is a picture of Buddy warming himself in front of the fire on his new bed after his adventures in the woods in our backyard.  He was pooped!





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