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Hi everyone!!

Just wanted to let you know Buford is doing great!  We've had him for about three months now, his house training is going really well - he goes to the door on his own when he has to go outside.  We have had a few accidents when coming home from work but it seems to be getting better.



Buford's personality has really started to show, his tail is always wagging, and is so excited to see us when we come home, it almost looks like he's smiling!  He loves to have his back and belly scratched!  He has become very affectionate and often sleeps right on top of our feet.  One thing about Buford is you always know when he's around - he's VERY gassy, so if you can't see him, you'll smell him!!!  Buford loves being outside rolling in the dirt - it's so hard to keep him clean and he HATES baths!!!  He often makes us laugh with all the funny faces he makes and is so much fun to have around.



He loves our cat, Elvis, and always tries to play with him, but Elvis really isn't interested in playing with a big smelly dog!!!  He hasn't showed any aggression to our cat or to anyone else who has entered our home.






He still nips at us when we play with him and thinks he's still a puppy!  We can't believe how far Buford has come since we've adopted him.  He obeys most commands but likes to play the "chase me" game when we call him to come to us.




We LOVE our Buford, he comes everywhere with us, even when we visit family!!  We couldn't imagine our home without him!!

Thanks to everyone who helped us adopt him, and a BIG THANK YOU from Buford for taking such great care of him while he was at the SPCA.





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