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Remember me?  I am Candy...

I am doing very well and growing like a weed ... after all, I am a
shepherd/Rottweiler mix!

Susan and Bill, my family, think I am a great puppy, smart and alert.  Yes, I will do just about anything for a treat or affection.

I am a happy dog and I hope that my siblings are happy and healthy with their new families too.

Will send more pictures soon!


Update March '10 ...

Yes, I am doing well - I am now 1 year old and weigh about 75-80 lbs (who knew I was gonna be so big!).

I just love everyone and everything (swimming, fetching balls and big sticks, playing in the snow, eating snow and lying on the sofa with dad and mom).  I have a younger brother (Mel) and we are known as the "odd couple" because Mel is only 14 lbs!

I hope all my siblings are doing well.

Kisses to everyone at the SPCA.

Update April '10 ...

Here are more recent pictures of me.

Thanks for updating my webpage. 

OOPS ... I meant to also attach the picture of me in the snow (since I love the cold!) ... if you would be so kind to load this one and the other 2 recent photos on my website, I would really appreciate it!



















Update September '11 ...

Time flies - I am now 2.5 years old!  I am doing well and having a great summer.  We were in PEI for part of the summer to visit our grandparents.  It was so nice to see them again as they think the world of me and I just love the smell of the ocean.

But I especially love being at our cottage where I can swim in the lake, play with our neighbours' kids and help dad hunt for golf balls.  After a long day of exercise and a full belly, I love to sleep on the couch next to my family ... Ah ... life is good!


I guess I am semi-famous now, at least with some 6 year old boys!  I was recently featured in a "show and tell" class project (my neighbour's kid presented me as his "favourite animal" to his classmates).

This year, I had an infection in my ear which unfortunately did not heal properly - now I have an ear that stands straight up and the other that flops.  It actually reminded me of the stage when I was a 10 week old pup (I am attaching an older photo to prove my point).  Now, I think I look sort of quirky but that hasn't stopped me from being the same loving, athletic, smart dog (I am told).


In our family, I am the quiet one while Mel, my younger brother (not related by blood), is the vocal one!  But what we have in common is that we both love our family and enjoy every minute we spend together with mom and dad.

Hugs and licks,


c/o Susan & Bill










Update April '13

It has been a while since we gave you an update.  Candy is doing well ... yes,
she is now 4 years old.  She is an athletic girl, flying off docks, jumping cliffs, swimming in the lake, hiking in the snow .... but she is just as content sleeping in her bed until the next activity!

We are so lucky to have her in our lives as she is such a wonderful, sweet

Susan and Bill




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