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Carly (formerly known as Peaches) is doing fantastic since we adopted her.  She bonded with her new family right away and enjoys running around our backyard and then cuddling in our laps to sleep.  Everyone agrees - Carly is like an old soul - she seems to understand every situation easily and carries herself with a confidence and intelligence like I have never seen before in a pup.




When we are at work she loves to spend her days with "Oma", her grandma, where she is spoiled with love and cuddles all day.  She is a joy to have around and we all look forward to watching her grow up.




We would like to thank you for saving her life and bringing her into ours - we are forever grateful.

Thanks for everything - I will send updates as she grows.





Update July ’11 …

Just thought I would send you this picture of Carly -- she continues to do very well, we love her so much!





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