now Casey, and we are delighted to report that after the heart surgery
last October, she's doing great. We extend our sincere thanks
and appreciation to all the people involved in making it
possible and saving her young life.
She has settled into a peaceful and quiet lifestyle -- NOT!
She's a healthy and active dog (now 59 pounds) who’s about to
celebrate her 1st birthday on June 24, along with her brother Shadow.
And just like him, she loves almost everyone, has only made strange
with one person so far. Whenever we're out and about, she seems
to think she needs to say Hi to everyone.
like her brother she loves feet, not so good when you're trying to get
up and down the stairs. Also, she enjoys shoes - the laces,
insoles, etc. - some of our shoes have her distinct mark! Also, she's
a kisser, don't get too close or you'll get a big smooch.
Casey enjoys being with us and being a part of the family; she really
does seem like a little dog who loves life, a warm and pleasant
personality with a wagging tail to prove it. She's just a
beautiful dog, we love her and look forward to many years together.
has a big brother Bruce (Black Lab) whom she adores; it was love at
first sight when we took him to meet her at the shelter. As you
can see in the one picture (when she was still a little squirt), she
had to get up on her hind legs to get in his face. He has been
VERY patient with her during the puppy stages. We would get "the
look" from Bruce - as if to say, is it too late to bring her back,
she's a pest!! He is a good boy with all her "in his face"

She likes Christmas as you can see from the pictures. Santa left
her many toys and treats, and two squeaky balls; depending on her mood
she plays with the "nice" or the "naughty" one! She also has an
Easter outfit and Halloween, gets right in the spirit of the seasons
(with a little help from us).
She's also been to doggie school and I think I'll keep her in
something to help burn off some of that energy!
Once again, our thanks to all of you for giving us the opportunity to
bring Casey home. We will be sure to update from time to time,
especially if there's a family reunion with her brother Shadow.
Update March '09 ...
her heart surgery Oct/07, she's now up to 63 pounds, and is both
healthy and happy at now almost 2 years old (on 24 Jun).
It was wonderful last June to meet her brother Shadow. Then this
past Christmas she was at the SPCA's Christmas open house and saw a
lot of other dogs who also found their forever homes, and best of all,
getting to see all the staff and volunteers that helped her so much
when she first arrived at the shelter as a pup. It was a lovely
visit with everyone, and we were able to let everyone know that we had
Casey tested (DNA) and she's Rottie, Doberman and Border Collie mix.
Science is great!!
will be starting another obedience class in a couple of weeks, and
then agility. She has a lot of energy and loves to play.
Casey is very helpful with our new business (a
B & B for people
travelling with the doggies); she's of course the hostess with the mostess!! She is making quite an impression: one couple
asked for her to join them in the dining room for breakfast, others
have commented on the fact she's a fun dog, her "boyfriend" will miss
her (actually she has three, a Boston Terrier, Husky/Shep mix, and
yellow Lab); she's very popular and well liked. On our site we have
Sadie/Casey's story, and a link to the SPCA so people can read not
only her story, but also see who helped her.
and her brother Bruce play outdoors everyday, and are getting anxious
for the ice on the river to melt so they can go swimming. Last
year Casey decided to swim out to visit some ducks, they flew off.
Even in the water she's a social butterfly wanting to see boaters,
ducks and whoever else is out there.
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