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What can I say about my sweet and adorable puppy Mr. Cash (formerly Polo)?

He is the best puppy I think I have ever met.  I have nothing but wonderful
things to say about him and his amazing disposition.  He has adjusted very
well to downtown Ottawa life and loves living across the street from the
dog park.  He is a dream come true!




When at home, he is the most affectionate and well-behaved boy.  He loves his squeaky ball and assortment of new toys that guard his doggy bed.  When out and about at the park or on a walk, he wins over people and dogs alike.  He has made several doggy pals and everyone he meets can't believe how well-behaved and handsome he is.

We visited the vet last week who said that he is a healthy baby and needs to put on a couple of pounds, so we are working on that.  He sure loves treats!  I have noticed that he is pretty sneezy and the vet said it may be caused by nasal mites or perhaps little allergies, so we will keep our eye on that.


We are getting lots of exercise, going for walks and visiting the park often.  He is a winter puppy and loves sticking his nose in the snow and rolling around in it as well.  Chase the ball is also a favorite!  We are going to start obedience class in the coming weeks ... more for me than him!  His new move is "high fiving" guests when they come to our home.  We visited PetSmart on the weekend to get some new toys, ScienceDiet Dental food, a new toothbrush and treats.  He had everyone "oohing" and "ahhing"
over him and how wonderful he is.




I feel so lucky to have found such a wonderful snuggly guy, he is a true and loyal companion.  If I could work from home everyday to stay with him, I certainly would.

Thank you for the hard work you all put into finding these dogs great homes, they are worth every second!






Update April '14

Today is Cash's FIRST BIRTHDAY and I wanted to let you know that he is doing very well!  He is happy, healthy, energetic and loving.  He has made so many new friends and admirers and steals my heart on a regular basis.

Thank you for everything you do to find these pups loving homes.  I will forever be grateful!





Update December '14

I wanted to send an update that my little bundle of energy and constant source of entertainment, Cash (Polo), is doing great! Each day that the temperature drops, he gets an ounce more energy (which I didn't think was possible). I am still waiting to see if his winter coat will come back in, but he hasn't shown any signs of being cold. In fact, he buries himself in the snow whenever he can!





I am convinced that he thinks he is part cat and part human, because he always wants to be sitting in someone's lap and he has taken to singing along (howling) with Keith Urban. Seriously ... there is one song that he howls to EVERY TIME it plays! Other than that, this boy hardly makes a peep.

His favorite pastime is holding hands (as odd as that sounds) directly followed by wrestling with his dog park buddies and running through the wilds of Conroy Pitt. There is no lack of outdoor activity for this boy.





Adopting Cash was the best decision that I have made and I can't even express the unprecedented amount of happiness that he has brought into my life and pretty much everyone he comes in contact with.

Thank you for your hard work, keep it up!






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