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We adopted Casper in July 2009 after noticing his beautiful face on the website.  

We had never heard of an Akbash dog and had no idea how big he was but we liked his trust of us and when we asked him if he was the one for us, he seemed to say yes. 

Casper is doing very well and has settled nicely into his new life in the Glebe area of Ottawa.  He did well in obedience and it is good for him to be around other dogs as he is not the most sociable of beasts with other animals sometimes.  He takes his cue from our other dog (a beagle mix) and will just follow his lead - luckily the beagle is a friendly sort so will introduce Casper to the other dogs and show him how to play. 

He is very typical of his breed from all we have read - extremely devoted to us but not so sure about strangers initially.  However, once they give him a treat he thinks they are a-ok.  He is a regular in all of the stores in the area that allow dogs (many around here do!) and will trot inside and plunk himself down for a treat.  He is very popular and so big everyone notices him and asks what kind he is and so on. 

Thank you for all of your good care of Casper while he was at the shelter - twice, including a first adoption to another family that did not work out for some reason!  I know he didn't have the greatest start in life but he doesn't seem to hold it against anyone, so we put that down to the good care he got from you guys - you must have been the ones that showed him humans were ok after all!! 

Nancy and Delaney










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