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Charlene now known as Charley with the slightly feminine spelling, has been
a most affectionate and welcome addition to our home.  However, there is a
diametrically opposed opinion by the other cat who has only hissed and spurned her up to this point as he rejected her in HIS house.  She has been put in a separate room and let out to roam the house while the other one goes to his outside kingdom which is also at a greater frequency than before.  This change of pace is certainly an indicator displaying his attempt(s) to literally avoid her.  However, we do use it to our advantage in that Charley could put her own scent in the house which will hopefully and eventually lead to a common level of familiarity and peace with the other one.




She sneezes with a lessening frequency but is still almost always in good
spirits.  She likes to cry behind her prison, er, bedroom door for some newly
discovered freedom and attention but it will just take a little more time for that to happen until her roommate is more approving or less rejecting.  I have made an appointment for her to visit the Carp Road Animal Hospital on Monday for her first general checkup.




I do wonder though about her gangly legs if they do indicate that she will grow into a larger frame even though she is rather small at this time of four months.  She is eating and drinking water quite well and strangely pleasing, we already have a sample stool for the visit to the vet.  Other than the other cat's delayed acceptance of her which as you know is not necessarily a unique phenomenon, Charley is enjoying her new home almost as much as we are enjoying her friendship and affection!!

I took a few quick pictures and the choreographer wanted too much!! :)  Please enjoy.




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