it is 2 months since Charli came to live with us and it has
certainly been a challenging, interesting and enjoyable two months.
We were
all happy to see the end of the holiday season because it was just
too busy for her; she was definitely overwhelmed by all the
We have
definitely made some progress, although we still have a ways to go.
now eats dinner with our dog and cat (she used to wait until they
finished before she would eat) and she actually comes to us for
affection and attention rather than us always going to her.
She wanders a little on our walks, and is a little too interested in
the horses, but she enjoys our daily romp and loves the snow.
She now takes treats out of our hands (we had to leave them on the
ground before) and she understands our routine and waits with our
dog and cat for her treat. Our second trip to the vet was a
lot dryer than the first (she drooled so much I had to clean the
inside of the car from top to bottom) but I think bringing Porto,
our dog along for the ride really helped.
still stretches her one leg behind her when we walk (luxating
patella) but she doesn’t yelp or indicate she’s in pain (she
just wants us to rub it) so we will leave it for the time being.
One funny think we have realized is that she doesn’t ‘sit’,
she will lean against the wall in the house in a sitting position
but otherwise she is standing or laying down. Do you know why
she would be like this?
She still
spends a lot of time outdoors and won’t come in the house on her
own so we have to carry her. She doesn’t cry when she comes
in but she is still very attached to her stuffed ‘friends’.
We all
love Charli and are so happy that she has become a member of our
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