Charlie continues to thrive. He has adjusted to rules, boundaries and
life with his new "parents" who absolutely love him. Charlie is funny
and playful with his very favorite toy being his KONG tennis ball ...
but he is always happy to surrender it to play fetch. Charlie is a
great traveller and has enjoyed a number of road trips. Mention
"car" and he races to the door and waits patiently. Charlie visited
the groomer this past week, was very well-behaved and came home
looking quite handsome!

Charlie had socialization baggage when he came to us ... therefore,
we have been cautious when introducing Charlie for the first time. We
ask friends to allow Charlie to approach them first and there have
been no issues. So Charlie's trust and social skills have been a work
in progress, but we are certainly heading in the right direction.

Charlie seems relaxed and happy after five weeks in his new home, and
needless to repeat, Earl and I feel that we won the doggie lottery
with rescuing Charlie!

our sincere thanks to the devoted animal caregivers at the West Quebec
SPCA for the amazing work you do. Thank you, Joy, for believing
that unsociable little dog could have a future.
Earl &

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