It's almost been 3 months since I brought Charlie home, and already I
can barely remember that there was a time that Charlie wasn't around.

It probably feels like he's always been here because he adapted so
quickly and effortlessly to his new home. He is such a good
listener, picking up any command that we practice with him. So
far it's a modest list of Come, Sit, Lie Down, Stay and Leave It, but
we will be adding to that list as he gets better at doing it when
there aren't any treats involved. Apple slices, bananas, baby
carrots, the list goes on, he is not picky when it comes to getting a
reward for behaving so well.

He also learned to respect the cats' personal space. Sometimes
it even seems that one of the cats may even be warming up to him, just
not when he's being rowdy.
He loves meeting other dogs and other people, he may occasionally
forget his manners, but he always manages to leave a good first
impression. If he could wag that tail any faster, I'm sure he

At the dog park, he tries to play with everyone, small or big.
Not everyone appreciates his puppy enthusiasm, but those that do can
expect some intense wrestling from Charlie, a good game of Chase or

I sincerely thank everyone at the SPCA of Western Quebec for giving me
the opportunity to be paired up with Charlie, he has been a source of
joy ever since the moment I took him for that quick little walk to see
if he is going to be our dog.
Misha & Jenn
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