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Charlie, Pillsbury & Quila




Charlie (shepherd, rottweiler) was a stray that the SPCA picked up in Maniwaki.  As I walked into the SPCA in 2006, I inquired as to the dogs and was told that a dog named Charlie would likely impress.  And he did!  He is a pleaser and a great companion dog.  Very loyal.  Gentle.





Pillsbury (dalmatian, jack russell, etc.) was found on the side of the 132 leading to the Mercier bridge in Montreal.  I adopted him in January 2011.  He likely got his name due to his pudginess.  And wouldn't you know, my Pillsbury rolls.  Yes, he rolls (Pillsbury Roll)!  Show him a treat and say roll and there he goes!  Pills is the most intelligent of the three, a bit stubborn.





Quila (Shiba Inu, etc.) was adopted in November 2011 - clearly coming from a bad situation from South Carolina U.S.A..  I was her 3rd foster - she was extremely timid and suffering from some exposure to abuse and confinement.  She's a gentle little girl who is slowly gaining confidence and needs a companion nearby (be it human or dog).  Luckily she's got her big brothers to cling to. 





At home she's mostly found under something, anything really.  A chair, bed, another dog ... but those habits are being worked on and will hopefully fade away over time.  Quila is slowly getting used to the great outdoors and what it has to offer ...  :)  She loves running through the forest with Charlie or Pills nearby, or her cousin Callie.  She will get her own doghouse so that she can spend time relaxing in the backyard during the spring/summer.  Her obedience is improving as she gains confidence.




















































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