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It seems like ages ago that October evening that we arrived so late at your SPCA really wanting to see your Chloe.  She is an INCREDIBLE dog.  Her patience with the kids surpasses any expectation.  The kids, especially the girls, just love her so much they want to hug her a bit too much sometimes.  I try to intervene when I think it's a bit much, but she doesn't seem to mind at all.  She and Matthew have an especially intense bond.



She is calm indoors, but always ready to go out with us.  We have a hill behind our house, and she just loves going tobogganing with the kids.  She chases one kid down the hill and runs right back up to see where the other two kids are at.  What a great workout for her!  She is great off-leash, and just loves to run.  She can retrieve her ball for hours, and is very good at shredding sticks.



She is thriving in obedience classes.  We think she's the smartest dog there.  She certainly is a very smart dog.  Overall, she actually turned out to be much less work than I expected.  She has been socialized well now with other dogs -- so much so that I've even included a photo of her sharing a doggie bed with my in-laws' black lab.  There was no aggression in her, she simply didn't know how to behave when a dog was approaching her.  Now she's learned!  And, she even sheds waaaay less then I expected!  :-)

She is simply wonderful.  We are so lucky to have her.


I've attached some photos of her when we first got her, some with my in-laws' black lab (Rio & Cleo are quite the pair!  We call one, but their names are so close, they both respond!!!), and some taken just today with the kids.  I can see such a difference in her from the first days to today.  She has truly relaxed and her gentle personality is coming out more and more.





Thank you so much for Cleo, Merry Christmas!

Catherine Brown & family & "Cleo-Leo"




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