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Coal is 27 pounds at 17 weeks old. This picture is from a few weeks ago. His coloring is becoming more pronounced. He is such a friendly, happy dog, enjoyed by the neighbors and all the extended family. My husband gets the biggest good morning and welcome home at night.

He loves to dig, run and fetch. He has learned that my arm is not a chew toy. He hardly ever barks except at the cat {just wants to play}. Jennifer {8} is so happy too. Thank you.



Update August '15

Coal is now 8 months old and almost 50 pounds. He is such an active boy, loving fetch, tug and just hanging out with the pack. He has been enjoying swimming and running in the country. Poor guy had an allergic reaction to a bite and his snout swelled up like a sharpei. Luckily it did not move into his throat and we managed to find a neighbor with Reactine. Now we carry Benadryl but have not needed it. We have been enjoying him, so happy to have him.













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